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The first thing you notice when you start to regain your senses is the eerie silence that has come over the castle.

The unspeakable sounds of demons being consumed by a curse even they can't control have stopped, and all they leave behind is emptiness and regret.

The second thing you grow aware of is the soft rustle of fabric, and at the edge of your consciousness, you feel how someone picks you up on their arms, turns and carries you away from wherever you have been lying.

You don't know who they are and where they are taking you, but something tells you you can trust them.

A little while later, more of your senses return. You hear the quiet splashing of water and the tickle of hot steam on your face as the person lowers you into it. It feels like a warm hug, and soon, somebody starts to gently wash your hands and arms, then your shoulders. They carefully clean your face, then your back, your stomach and your legs.

You're not yet capable of feeling shame when they wash you between your legs as well.

As the person massages your scalp and starts shampooing your hair, they start humming a slow melody, and their voice makes your muscles stiffen immediately.


You don't recognize your voice.

Despite the fact that you should be invincible and immune to human needs, your voice sounds dry and cracked, as if you haven't drunk for years and your throat is absolutely parched. It's merely more than a whisper, but you know your familiar heard you.

For a moment, the hands washing your hair halt, then they continue their gentle massage.

"My Queen", the dragon replies with a voice so empty it almost hurts you physically, and finally, you manage to open your eyes.

You find yourself in a spacious, white marble bathroom that you've never seen before. You can only assume it's part of the Sins' castle, hidden away in a part of the building you haven't explored yet. Above you, a ceiling with beautiful, Renaissance-like murals is pillared on six tall columns arranged around the huge bath, which is surrounded by a smooth, shiny marble floor.

Heishe has laid you down on one of the three gently ascending stairs leading into the pool, an abundance of flasks with different liquids next to him. Foam floats along the surface of the hot, turquoise water. It's like a scene from a dream, and yet, you become more and more unsettled.

You pull your head from his hands and turn around to him, meeting his glance halfway. His eyes are dark, more of a tawny colour than actual gold, and next to the horror building in your mind, your heart aches at the sight.

"My Queen", he repeats, bowing his head. He doesn't look back up again.

"I am so sorry."

"No, no, no", you say hastily, reaching for his face and grabbing it with both hands, forcing him to look at you.

"No, it's not your fault."

The pain in his expression is clearly tangible.

"I have failed you", he whispers. "I should have protected you, but... I couldn't."

"Heishe, it's not your fault." Your voice has regained its former strength and you speak with all the conviction you can muster.

He returns your glance, but he looks sorrowful. Before you can say anything else, he lifts a hand and runs the back of it along your cheek.

"I will never stop blaming myself for this, my Queen." But with a gentle touch to your shoulder, he turns you around again and continues washing your hair.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now