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Your dragon's back feels unfamiliar as you settle on it – it's much wider and more muscular than before, his shoulder blades causing a somewhat unsettling shifting motion beneath you whenever he moves his wings, and were you still a human, the thick, sharp edges of his scales would have easily ripped open your skin.

Will you be okay?, you ask Daimon in your mind, feeling how he hooks his claws into Heishe's back through your mental connection. An affirming hum is the answer, and you turn back to the front.

Will you be okay?, you direct the same question at your other familiar, to which he snorts with indignation. Do you hold me for an inexperienced youngling, my Queen?, he asks, and you shake your head, a smile slowly spreading on your face.

No, you reply. I wouldn't dare.

The dragon hums, apparently satisfied, but despite his earlier cocky response, the opening of his newly found wings seems just a little unsteady, the muscles in his back trembling with the effort of his control as he figures out how this new body works.

Mimicking Daimon's tactic, you hook your fingers under one of Heishe's scales and hold on as tightly as you can as his upper body lifts and his weight shifts onto his hind legs – in this wyvern form, he no longer has any front legs to prop himself up on, so spreading his wings forces him to sit back to keep his balance.

Your familiar's back moves under you and he almost threatens to shake you off as he beats his wings once, then again, stirring up a giant cloud of stone dust in front of you. The sound of them swishing through the air is loud enough to drown out everything else even for your demonic ears, and the air rips on your hair and clothes with every wing stroke.

When your familiar is done stretching his wings, you hear him inhale deeply. His scales shuffle as he flexes the muscles in his hind legs, his toes spreading on the ground as he prepares to push himself off.

Ready?, he asks. Your and Daimon's quiet confirmation is enough, and a second later, he vaults himself into the air.

For a moment, the three of you hang in the air almost motionlessly, briefly threatening to crash back down, before Heishe catches up and beats his wings, steadying himself. Regardless, his first wing flaps are uncoordinated, reminiscent of a baby bird just learning to fly rather than the millennia-old being he is. It only takes him a moment to figure it out, however, and when he does, childish glee fills his mind.

His next wing beat is more powerful, propelling his huge body forward and upward. You can feel his muscles straining under your legs as he lifts into the clouds, his scales beaded with tiny dew drops within just a few seconds of dipping into the grey veil.

As soon as he comes out on top, he levels out, his wings spreading wide to the side as he glides over the crests of the cloudy mountains beneath you. The sun catches in the glistening drops on his scales, but only for a second before he shutters his wings, pulling them tight against his body, and nosedives back down into the clouds.

The fall only stops when he finally forces his wings open just a few hundred meters above the ground, the jagged mountains and plains of Amarrha flying past you underneath, and as you watch on and the adrenaline slowly drains from your body, your mind clears and the pulsating pain in your arm returns.

You hiss, closing your hand around the wound the warrior gave you with his sword. You can hear Daimon shift in your back, and Heishe throws a long glance back at you.

"I'm fine", you say out loud, and even though the wind rips the words off your lips almost immediately, you know they heard you.

The pain continues simmering under your skin for the next few rituals, and for the first time since you encountered the Seven and became a demon yourself, you understand what they once told you – that every demon, at some point or another, has wished to die.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now