Wakening Call

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A jolt runs through his entire body at this last word, as if you calling him Pride is something his very being rejects, and then the emptiness in his eyes wanes.

His hand stays around your throat, your trachea and oesophagus rubbing against each other uncomfortably as his grip shifts, and then you can feel his giant, clawed thumb moving upwards and softly moving past your cheek in the most fleeting caress.


He doesn't speak, not directly; it's as if the trees mumble your name, the ground rumbles it, as if the entire forest comes together for one singular moment to acknowledge your presence, forced by his invisible hand.


This time it's him who's speaking, that scratchy, unhuman, unpleasant voice that grates over your skin and makes you feel like it's ripping it open, exposing your flesh beneath.

The wound in your arm yields to the stress, igniting with pain, and you wince, and that's all it takes for him to rip his hand off your neck. The next second, his weight is gone from your body, and as deranged as it sounds, you miss it almost instantly.

As your throat rearranges itself, you scramble to your feet and look around for him. Your eyes find him after only a moment, motionless in the shadow of one of the trees. The only thing separating him from the darkness around him are his blazing red eyes, fixed on you as if he's unable to look away, like a moth buzzing around a torch.


The word comes out weak, your vocal cords still fusing together, but the longing in it is evident. The monster takes a quick, shivering breath as you speak his name.

"Come here", he rasps.

You don't waste another second, only realising you pushed yourself forward when you're slamming into his massive chest, slinging your arms around his waist.

Still in his monstrous form, Yoongi wraps his arms around you and pulls you deeper into the tree's shadow. His grip engulfs you fully, his figure towering up before you as he looks down on you with a different kind of flame now burning in his eyes.

"You have been gone for long, bewal." The way his voice caresses the pet name sends a shiver down your back, only stopped by the play of his sharp-clawed fingers at the root of your spine as they slip under your shirt.

"I'm sorry", you whisper, voice straining in your barely healed throat. He lifts one of his hands from your back to run its icy claws over it, their touch so faint they feel like feathers tickling your skin.

"I hurt you, didn't I."

It's not a question, but you feel compelled to answer nonetheless.

"It was an easy sacrifice to make." Your hand slides up his chest and when he sees you struggle to reach his face, he reaches down with his left, and then the ground slips from your feet.

A small, surprised sound leaves your lips as Yoongi lifts you up, sitting you on his forearm and raising you up so you can look him in the eyes.

"Was it now?" Despite the eerie sound of his voice, he sounds soft as he looks at you properly for the first time.

Finally, you can lift your hand and touch his face, sliding it past his cheek into his smoke-like hair, then the back of his neck.

"Yes", you whisper as your fingers nudge him closer, his lips parting as he gives in to your touch, "yes, it-"

The last word is swallowed by his lips as he presses them onto yours, and you ignore the pain in your left arm as you grab his face and pull him closer forcefully, the razor-like claws of his left hand twitching ever so slightly around your legs at the touch.

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