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"Can you feel it?"

Yoongi's voice is scratchy, threatening to rip itself apart in his throat as he lifts his glance up the flight of stairs in front of him, rubbing his wrists absentmindedly as if they've just been freed from rusty shackles. He can feel the itch of the last remaining contract on his skin while his unleashed power breaks against it from the inside, an uncomfortable combination of sensations that drives him mad.

"What exactly?", Namjoon replies after a moment, eyes pitch-black and voice just as rough.

"Everything", Yoongi whispers, as if his voice was finally swept away by the rush of power now constantly coursing through his veins. He lifts his hand and looks at it, trying to focus his glance on the blurred edges of his figure and failing miserably.

"I didn't even notice how limiting the contract in and of itself was", Jin mumbles half to himself as he dabbles with the sheer endless power bubbling up inside of him. "It was supposed to only imprison us, but..." He takes a deep breath of stale cave air. "I hadn't imagined it would suppress our powers, too."

Silence follows his words.

"Just one more."

Yoongi's whisper turns into a hiss as he breaks the quiet once more, eyes alight with almost crazed excitement while he stares up the flight of stairs as if his gaze can pierce the darkness above.

"Come on, love."

Albeit he is distracted, the term of endearment is inadvertently filled with so much longing it settles stickily on the others' skin, making them shift their weight as the exchange quiet glances. Yoongi's desire has long been spreading in the cave, growing stronger every day and making the air buzz and thicken with its intensity. By now, every single breath they take feels as if they're inhaling the sweetest wine, filling their throats heavily and making their heads spin.

None of them can wait to get out of the cave, but the reason for Yoongi's impatience is so simple and fundamental yet complex at the same time that the others struggle not to get pulled in by it.

"Yoongi", Namjoon snarls warningly. If demons could get goosebumps, he would. The intensity of Yoongi's feelings both impresses and annoys him, but what's even more frustrating is the effect it has on him.

Pride whips around to him, pupils blown. For a moment, the two stare at each other, almost electric tension building in the air between them, then Yoongi manages to get his emotions under control and the air becomes a little less dense.

All of them take a quiet breath, even Yoongi himself.

"Patience", Namjoon grits, letting a warning glance wander over the rest of the Sins. "She will get there. We just have to trust her."

Everyone nods. Yoongi turns away and fixes his gaze back on the cave entrance, a mere small, black dot at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah", he mumbles, the yearning tone already returning to his voice. "Yeah, we do."


The house the last person lives in is disparately smaller than the importance of its inhabitant, a tiny, weathered hut on the edge of a small forest, easily overtowered by the huge, black firs behind it which make it seem even tinier.

The flight here, to one of the most desolate corners of Amarrha, has taken you a few hours, even with Heishe's impressive speed. It is the middle of the night, and technically, you were planning on camping some distance away to wait until the sun rises, but there was something indefinable pulling you toward the house, and as soon as you came close enough to hear what's going on inside, you knew what it is.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now