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With night impending, the three of you decide to search for a place to rest. The humans will not be awake much longer anyway, Heishe comments, and he is right. From the air, you can already see the few twinkling lights scattered across the region start to go out one after another.

After a brief flight, Heishe lands in a small, somewhat protected valley between a couple foothills. With a lazy movement of his fingers, he conjures a blanket for you to sit on even though the uneven ground and the cold don't bother you anymore.

But when it comes to making a fire, the dragon hesitates. First, he looks over to Daimon who's still in his animal form, but then his glance wanders towards you.

"Do you want to try lighting it?", he asks.

His question surprises you, but under his firm glance, you feel like you can't refuse. You stand in front of small pile of somewhat dry grass and wood you've gathered and stare at it. Heishe takes a step back to give you your space while you remember what Yoongi taught you about demonic powers.

"Imagine it", you hear his voice in your mind, and while it causes a sting of longing for him in your chest, it reminds you of how he taught you to teleport.

The next thing you remember is how Heishe and Daimon taught you how to manipulate matter, and after you've recalled the dragon's explanation, you lift your hand towards the pile of wood and close your eyes.

Heat is the first thing that comes to your mind. Forcing your mind into the nooks and crannies of the wood and grass, engulfing every splinter and every fibre with your powers, you imagine a spark and its heat eating themselves through their fuel, consuming the pile and jumping from log to log, faster and faster until the whole pile is ablaze.

A second later, your eyes fly open as a column of fire explodes into the air in front of you, much higher and stronger than you intended for it to be. While it doesn't hurt you, you can feel its immense heat on your face while it continues to burn high into the night.

Heishe throws you a glance, but doesn't say anything, while Daimon quickly dashes to a safe distance.

"Concentrate", Yoongi's voice rasps in your mind, and you close your eyes again, engulfing the fire with your power once more and forcing the flames and the heat down to a mere simmer of what they were before. Then, you open your eyes again.

A small fire burns in front of you, obediently keeping to the boundaries of the improvised fire pit, and you can feel approval and pride radiating Heishe's mind.

Well done, Daimon comments, now coming closer and laying down next to the gentle flames.

"Indeed", your dragon adds aloud and with a smile. "You are a fast learner, my Queen."

You shake your head no, an impish smile on your lips as you sit down on the blanket. "You are just a good teacher", you give back, and his smile deepens.

"Well, I'm glad my lessons have paid off", he replies before he looks over to Daimon. "Are you hungry, youngling?"

The panther opens his eyes, the flames reflecting within them as he peeks over to you and the dragon. A little, he replies in your head, seemingly unwilling to change form today. Heishe nods. "You are still healing, after all", he mumbles to himself before he whips around. "I will hunt us something. I shall be back momentarily."

With this, his slim figure vanishes in the dark and you and Daimon sit in silence. Well, not silence – you can hear the rustle of the wind in the tall grass and the sounds of small animals scurrying over the plains in the safety of the night, next to the crackle of the fire in front of you.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now