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As soon as the door to the little hut opens, much quicker and with less suspicion than in Gladys' case, the shadow of its resident falls upon you. When you look up, you're met with the sight of a tall, broad man who, judging from his face, isn't much older than you.

He towers up in front of you, and when you get past the fact how big he is, the next thing that catches your attention are is eyes. They are a beautiful but unsettling mixture of grey and unnatural, bright blue spots.

Silence spreads between the two of you as he looks down on you, and for a second, you think he's going to lunge at you. There's a weird, threatening aura surrounding him that makes your muscles tense in preparation, but after another suspenseful moment, his expression relaxes and he gives you a slight smile.

"Can I help you?", he asks. His voice is a deep, friendly bass and you breathe out in relief.

"I think you can", you smile back, hoping he's not going to grow too suspicious. "My name is Y/N. May I come in for a bit?"

He hesitates for a second, then steps aside and holds the door open while gesturing for you to step inside. "Ewan", he says as you step up to him. "Nice to meet you."

As you are about to pass him, you suddenly realize he's not paying any attention to you. Instead, he is looking past you, fixating the spot where Heishe and Daimon are shrouding themselves in shadows to blend with the darkness creeping over Amarrha's plains like a heavy blanket.

He shouldn't be able to see them, and yet you get the uncomfortable feeling that he can sense something is out there. To reclaim his attention, you clear your throat as you step into the house, but it takes a full second before he rips himself from whatever he's seeing and turns around, closing the door in the process.

"Do you want something to drink?", he asks as he approaches the small stone oven in the corner. The house only has one room, with a wooden bed to the left side and the eating and cooking area to the right. There's no fireplace, so you assume the only heat source is the small stove he's standing at.

At the back wall of the room, crooked wooden stairs lead to a gallery on the first floor, but you can't make out what it's being used for.

"That would be nice, thank you", you reply to his earlier question, to which he nods, drops some raspberry leaves in two cups and fills them with hot water before he carries them to the small, round table in the middle of the room.

"Please, sit", he says as he sets them down and you follow his invitation, even though your suspicion is growing. He's too confident, you think to yourself as you watch him sit down. Too calm.

"So", he rips you out of your thoughts after shoving the cup across the table. You clasp it tightly with both hands, temporarily forgetting that you should be acting as if you're sensitive to temperature. His glance flickers towards the cup, then back to your face, and you quickly let go.

"I have a request", you say, returning his glance. You get the feeling that beating around the bush and trying to gain this man's trust isn't going to work.

He lifts his cup and takes a sip without taking his eyes off you. "A request?", he echoes. "What is it about? And why me?"

The sparkle in his eyes tells you he knows more than he's admitting, and the restlessness you're feeling grows. "A contract", you reply hesitantly. "I need you to revoke a contract."

His lips twitch, then pull into a light smile. "Ahh", he says as if it just dawned on him. "That's what you're here for." He leans forward, the cup still in his hands. "But tell me, Y/N... Why do you think I should help you?"

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now