Kenvan Manor

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Earlier, you confidently claimed you could keep up with Yoongi in this form, but now you're not so sure anymore.

Trees and bushes fly past you as the demon weaves through the forest. He moves unlike any human or even normal demon, as if this body is on a simply superior plane of existence and awareness, yet you fail to grasp what he actually does differently.

It's like he just moves smoother, and at the same time, he seems to anticipate every change and every moment just a second before it actually happens. You're genuinely impressed Daimon is able to keep up, following along in Yoongi's shadow without making a single sound.

Yoongi doesn't need to look up to know where Heishe is. Even you can hear the silent whoosh of his wings above, and at Yoongi's speed, it doesn't take long until you breach the edge of the forest.

The manor is surrounded by soft, green hills, their grass blades glistening in the sun with the last remaining dew drops. It's dazzling to your demon eyes and you squint, but you refuse to close them all the way - after what's probably been weeks of only seeing the cold, rugged landscape of Amarrha, you long for some warmth and colour.

Slowly, the manor rises behind one of the hills as Yoongi slows his steps, its stone walls dark and weathered from all the storms it's undoubtedly endured in its lifetime. For having been abandoned for so long, the residence is in a surprisingly good state, and Yoongi hums approvingly as he stops on the gravelled plaza in front of the manor's wide oak doors, lifting his head to look up at the manmade architectural wonder before him.

"I've always liked this place", you say as the others join you, taking in their surroundings. A moment later, you hear a soft thump on your left and when you turn your head, you see Heishe rising from the ground, dusting off his hanfu. When he notices your gaze, he offers you a small smile.

"This should work nicely", Hoseok says, the black liquid that's seeping from his gaping mouth incessantly dripping onto the gravel to his feet.

"We'll have to replace some of the windows", Namjoon adds. He can't frown in this form but you can virtually hear it in his voice.

His words remind you of something and you can't prevent your brows from pulling into a small frown. Jungkook notices, leaning forward a little to look at you. "What is it, Y/N?", he asks.

You shake your head as you return his glance. "I just remembered the library in... well, back at the cave", you say. "It's a shame it'll be abandoned. It was beautiful."

Jin and Namjoon exchange an amused glance while Hoseok snickers. At the same time, a sound reminiscent of a deep laugh builds in Yoongi's chest, making goosebumps form on your skin. It's conflicting to hear, both eerie and beautiful at the same time, and it prompts you to slide your right hand into the back of Yoongi's head, gently tugging on his hair.

The 'laugh' turns into a low hum, making you shift in his arm as his glance burns on your skin.

"What's so funny?", you ask to distract yourself from the way he's looking at you, and Hoseok snickers. "If it's just the library", he says, a grin in his voice that his mouth is too rigid to display. "That's easy enough to transfer."

You can't help the excited grin on your face. "Let's do it", you say. Jin chuckles.

"How about we go in first and see what we're dealing with?", he suggests, and as curious as you are to find out how the demons want to move their library into this residence, you nod.

Yoongi lowers you and sets you on your feet carefully before he straightens again. You can't say you miss the unsettling cold his body radiates, but his touch is another story. Still, you refrain from sliding your hand into his as you and the Sins climb the stairs ascending gently to the oak gate of the manor, closely followed by Heishe and Daimon, the latter still in his panther form.

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