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That's all you feel as your ears start ringing.

You stare blankly at the large, black-golden body that is now piled up in front of you after the dust clouds of its impact have settled. Somewhere in the haze, you faintly hear a horrible scream, but it takes a while until your senses return with full force and you realize you're the one screaming while you fight against Daimon's hard, unwavering grip.

"Y/N! No!", he shouts in your ear as you scramble to reach Heishe, slinging his arm tighter around your waist. You didn't even realize he turned back, and despite the despair in his white, wide eyes, his grip on you is relentless.

"Let me go", you order. The emotions within you are so all-encompassing they eradicate everything else, and your voice comes out as a rough, mangled growl that doesn't sound like you at all.

Thirst seeps into the dark cloud of despair and grief that fills your mind, thirst for revenge - thirst for murder.

"I can't do that", Daimon responds quietly, his fingers digging into your side as if that would rip you out of your rage.

"Let me go", you repeat, louder this time, and the coarse, unhuman command makes the ground quake ever so slightly under your feet. "Now, Daimon."

You're too enraged to feel the tremble in your familiar's muscles as he stares past you blindly. His jaw muscles tense.

"No", he says, very slowly and carefully. "You'll die."

His words are brimming with bitterness and sorrow, and it puts a dent in your all-consuming fury - not enough to fully extinguish the fire burning through your body, but enough for a sliver of rationality to return.

As you stop fighting against Daimon's grip, the sadness within you so heavy you're gasping for air despite not needing it, the basilisk starts to move.

Even without looking it in the eyes, you can see the evil content on its face as its tongue flicks out, tasting the air in excitement while it approaches Heishe's lifeless body.

The mere thought of the monster touching him makes your stomach coil with disgust, and both you and Daimon watch on motionlessly as it slithers up to Heishe and lowers its head, its tongue dancing over the dragon's black scales before it lets out a satisfied hiss.

"Leave him alone!", you scream, unable to watch any longer. Your eyes are burning, but the tears you're wishing for so badly don't come. Your voice, however, is full of the grief and rage you're still feeling, despite the reassuring pressure of Daimon's arms around you.

"Leave him alone or I'll kill you!"

The ground trembles under your threat once more, but the basilisk seems unimpressed as it lifts his head and musters you almost curiously, just milliseconds after you've lowered your glance again.

Then it slithers forward, carelessly passing the pile of Heishe's slack body.

It halts in front of you, its tongue flicking out again. It comes so close you can feel one of its tips touching your hair. The smell of rotting flesh that the basilisk's mouth emits is so revolting any human would've immediately puked, but you can't, and so you stand in its hot, stinging breath and stare at the ground full of hate, unable to even look your enemy in the face - if you want to live a little longer, that is.

There's not a single moment in your life you have hated more than this.

Being chosen as the Descendant, being turned into a demon, being separated from Yoongi, Jimin's betrayal and its consequences - none of it compares to the raging fury inside you at the fact that this monster killed Heishe and you can't even look at it.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now