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Cold mist wets your face and your hair and soaks through your clothes as Heishe dips into the thick, dark grey layer of clouds constantly covering the region of Amarrha. You're very glad the cold doesn't get to you anymore because even with your unfeeling demon skin, you can tell the winds and the rain are icy.

Your dragon familiar sweeps over the rugged plains after he's made all three of you invisible again, soon heading for a desolate meadow near a small hill overgrown with hardy grass and the small, blue flowers you remember from the mountains. He flies low, as if the pulling and pushing of the howling storm is too strong even for him. 

You and Daimon jump off as he hovers above the ground, then Heishe turns into his human form, accompanied by the metallic clinking of his scales. A couple seconds later, all three of you are standing in the meadow, surrounded by nothing but the wind and rain.

You look down at the greyish-brown mud to your feet and grimace. While you can't feel the cold and wetness, your brain is very capable of imagining how it should be feeling, and you scrunch your nose as you pull the sturdy boots Yoongi conjured for you out of the wet ground while trying to find a spot that is not completely muddy.

As soon as you start moving, Daimon follows close behind, but Heishe stays where he is, and it takes you a second to understand that he thoroughly scans your surroundings.

"What is it?", you ask as you make your way towards a spot that seems at least a little drier than the others, slowly as to not soil Yoongi's gift too much.

Daimon doesn't answer, halting close to you as you stop, but Heishe looks at you after another swift glance across the flats.

"There's a reason why Amarrha is the region of demon hunters", he says quietly. His glance is piercing, almost to the point of making you uncomfortable. "This region has always been haunted by many supernatural beings, not just demons. Some of them are harmless, most of them are not." He scoffs.

"I am very surprised humans managed to survive here at all, but this fact is the reason why this area has such a small population. Among other environmental factors."

Which makes our job easier, though, Daimon adds dryly, his words reminding you of the actual reason you came here, before he takes a step towards the plains, lifting his head to sniff the cold air.

"Wait, Daimon", Heishe stops him in his tracks as he approaches you, his movements swift and effortless despite the mud and high grass in his way. He stops in front of you and looks down on you, and once again, his beauty and elegance make it difficult for you to breathe, even though you try to control yourself.

You're almost sure you can see the corners of his mouth twitch in amusement as if he knows what you're thinking or feeling, but before you can think about it more, he reaches for his silk belt with his right hand.

Casually flipping over a small flap of fabric, he reveals a sheath of some sort. It was so well hidden that you've never even seen its outline under the fine cloth of Heishe's traditional Hanfu, and you watch in surprise as he pulls two long, filigree silver daggers from the sheath.

"Take these", he says as he offers them to you with a graceful, respectful hand gesture.

You throw him a short glance before you lower your eyes towards the beautiful weapons. Their handles are a bit longer than the palm of a hand, their slightly curved blades about one and a half times as long as that. The silver is well cared for and shimmers like moonlight. While the daggers seem simple at first glance, the skillfully forged, spiraled handles and the fine ornamental engravements on the blades tell you that they are a master's work.

Seven Sins - Third Part | BTS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now