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"congratulations graduates! the whole korea university family are proud of you!"

each and every graduates stood up from sitting on their seats as they are all chanted that chant then they threw their caps in the air making the whole hall filled with greetings, cries, laughters, even cooed from all of the students and that confetti that fell from the ceiling using the pyrotechnics. it was a typical graduation from the very prestige university in korea, everyone was happy, was crying and was screaming out of joy now that their hard works had paid off with diplomas and some medals hanging from their necks. that those five years living with schools works, thick books and doing activities just to pass and graduate are already over.

their hardships and struggles they battled and dealed with for the past five years was finally over.

yes, today is korea university's graduation.. which means today was the day of the prince's graduation. so joshua along with the king was outside, waiting for the ceremony to be over and waiting for seokmin to went out of the hall. both of them are carrying different bouquet of flowers in their hands as their congratulatory for the prince, but the king made sure that joshua's flowers was more romantic than what he bought for his son. it took a matter of three hours before they finally heard that everyone was free to go already as the ceremony was finally over, just the picture taking.

and once they both noticed that seokmin's classmates was already making their way out from the hall, they knew seokmin might be the next one making joshua stood properly as he fixed the flower he was holding. after some minutes, what they expected had already came as joshua and his majesty saw seokmin from a distance, talking and was laughing with some students prolly his classmates as he was wearing his uniform while holding a white rose, his diploma, and even his cap that he threw in the air earlier. the prince just stop from talking and laughing when he finally noticed that joshua and his father was waiting for him already.

joshua saw how seokmin bade his goodbyes to his classmates and even to the people he doesn't know much as all of them are bowing to give respects, and when the prince was finally free to go to where they are standing.. joshua could swear that the time stops moving as everything became in slow motion including how seokmin's smile gets even wider every step he took going to their directions, even how his hair was being swayed by the strong wind and even how he wasn't seeing anything and anyone, but seokmin whose smiling so wide, happily hopping to reach where they are.

"my highness, im so proud of you!"

and even how the prince giggled in reponse from what his father did and said, was still in a slow motion like as if they were in some romantic movies. joshua thought it would stops there because seokmin was just inches away from him finally but it didnt.. because even when he was done talking to his father and seokmin's gaze went up to meet his on the way, it was still in slow motion. and the only thing that he felt rapid was his heart beat.. his heart beat, beating the prince's name.

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