Just Me, Myself, and I

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It had only been a minute, one measly minute ever since he started walking away from his original starting point to then set off into the new and unfamiliar realm. Despite being a world with limited power and usually sometimes only relating with logic and science, and basically being a place that's boring when it comes to the powerful unknown (Sometimes.), It still managed to set him off into an almost weird nervous factor...It was- void of life and familiarity that he had been so used to back..Well, in massive quotations in his head; " Home ". He took a moment to look around himself after focusing on the ground from walking, hoping that the scenery and environment would give him some closure and comfort.

Looking around, everything looked bleak— the sky was now covered with muddled gray clouds when just earlier, it was a nice blue. The grass felt wet with rain and dew, and was rather unpleasant to walk through. He had quickly caught on to how everything just looked..gross? In such a way? It looked even duller in the 2D realm than the 3D realm- Usually when it rained back there, it was more clean and to the point with it's weather, but that was mostly, Because it was quick and fast..It would be a rare occurrence if a weather phenomenon lasted more than a hour or a day. And even then, it was hard to tell there was even a rainstorm after one had passed–there weren't any remaining gray clouds, nor wet grass. It was uncanny, He had a lot of getting used to, to do huh? Fun. His attention soon was caught by a large puddle that he had passed by, the reflection that he had gazed at for a split second made him stop in his tracks and spin around with the tip of his toes. Walking up to the puddle was easy, though he had to make sure he didn't fall in when looking at it- The water was clear enough for such a thing too, since when he looked into the puddle, it was more than just a surprise.

" ... "
" Oh, are you KIDDING ME. "

He spoke in an obviously annoyed voice, staring back at his angry reflection

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He spoke in an obviously annoyed voice, staring back at his angry reflection. What set him off? Well it was the fact that- Bandu was right! He was about the size of a cardboard box and looked like an eraser. With all his very much bottled temper, he stomped onto the puddle to cause ripples in the water- Only to underestimate how deep it could actually go- and fell in with a cut out yelp.
Few seconds later, he had resurfaced with a loud gasp, crawling back on the grass with now his whole head missing to only show his now fully striking red body. Now he was soaking wet and ANGRY! Furious! He looked back at the puddle and stared at it.
..Promptly giving it the bird, before walking off.
What can he do? It's WATER...And a mirror. And breaking mirrors causes bad luck!

It was like the 2D realm was messing with him, laughing in his face. So much for a warm welcome. It hurt even more, because this was supposed to be where he can start anew, something different! Something more! Something New.
His form started to come back to his normal flat colors, now using his hands to pull down his hat slightly to shield himself from something..He didn't know, he just knew that he felt like he couldn't make eye contact that was below the ground. There wasn't even anything there! There was no one here, actually. He was all alone in this unfamiliar place. Maybe his brain lead him on to think something of interest would happen once he stepped out of that portal...Like just some way to say; " Welcome home, dipshit! " It could've been anything, like a bug coming by or at least a sign of an animal, but nope! It was nothing and nothing at all! Pure emptiness and..What people would call pure bliss. It was anything, BUT bliss.
He sat down near the puddle with a long sigh. He didn't even know where to go. He was lost in every sense of the word. What to do? Where to go? He was just gonna be traveling forever to then find nothing of the sort, of all things. Why did he have to end up in the middle of nowhere? A groan came out of him, laying his head onto his knees.

It was tempting to give up, not like he wanted to, but the thought rested in the back of his head, taunting him every second it got! It felt like an annoying stab in the head, if being stabbed was more irritable than painful. Though if he did give up, he wouldn't achieve his goal of finally being at peace, finding his own purpose...and making himself look like a fool in front of the Twins, to now become a living example of " The boy who cried wolf ". He could just hear their mocking laughs and rude comments already! Even hearing or thinking of hearing their voice, made him angry to the point where he just wanted to create a crater in the middle of nowhere for something ACTUALLY interesting.
He HAD to keep going, he HAD to find something- Whatever that maybe, which was most likely his soon to be purpose. So, with a huff of breath, he stood back up- and kept walking, as much to his usual dismay and hesitance for the part of him that just wanted to end it here and there.
Though the impatience was quickly clouding his mind as he went, so walking went to trotting, trotting went to sprinting, and sprinting went to full on running through the empty plains, already gathering a large momentum of speed to run across the place (Thanks to some of the powers he wanted to keep in check) and actually taking some moments to slow down to...Glare at puddles and walk around them before continuing his path. Even with such speed. There was nothing

His pace quickened a little as he ran towards it, the figure of the house becoming more and more detailed as he got closer to it. He then stopped in front of it, heaving like a dog. Upon closer inspection, the exterior of the house was a nice blue color. Not too heavy on the eyes and not too light. There was a '''''gate'''''' that stretched outward beside the house and then behind it (it was actually just a gray wall with the words 'GATE' inscribed on it over and over). Apart from the out of place 'gate', the house itself was kinda cute. That being said, he decided to look in the window to really check if this house was owned..Because there could be NO WAY that some random guy was in the middle of nowhere living w-
Annnnd He saw a silhouette. Yea, He's REALLY being mocked now huh. Squinting his eyes for a better look, he saw a shadow of what looked to be a man moving from one place to another, passing by the window to then look at his backyard, then continue on until he was out of frame. It was hard for Bambi to make out what he looked like exactly, but it was obvious he had a protruding cowlick on his hair which made it stick out, and he did make out he was sitting on something to help him move around..Even then, nothing else, but those two key factors that made up his interesting silhouette.

Though this meant something! If there was someone living here, in the middle of FUCKING nowhere, then there had to be a place where he could then find for his soon to be new home..For now though, he was tired and out of breath, and probably had to stay near this guy's house for some temporary safety. Not go in- That would already cause a whole bunch of problems which could get him recognized around here..After all, he didn't want to set a criminal record.
He walked towards the house, still panting with his hand on his chest to feel his own heartbeat, which happened to be racing akin to a rabbit's, nearing the gates. Now, he had to use his remaining stamina and aching body to hoist himself onto the top of the gate and peer over to see what this backyard looked like. Needless to say, it didn't even match the surrounding environment–not even CLOSE! The fenced in area was covered in all kinds of flowers and plant life, and amongst the foliage, was a faded red slide. It was evident that it had been used quite a lot! The backyard looked like a safe haven, in simple terms. If he wasn't out of breath already, it would've been taken away as he stared off into..What looked like to be the definition of a safe haven for those living in this house. He quickly jumped down into the backyard, looking amongst the flowers and plants that gave the area color and life. This is what he would want if he ever found a place for himself...Life, and Bliss. He had always been fond of plants and anything relating to it, thought they were much different here than..You know. Although as much as he wanted to stare and look around, Bambi had to find a place to rest and hide, just for a couple of hours.
His gaze scanned around, before focusing on a bush behind him, quickly ducking into there and laying his body close to the ground..Already curling himself into a little ball as he felt comforted by the shade and the sense of shelter that he had for now.
Finally, a place to rest, despite the circumstances he was in right now, and what he was doing. His eyes fluttered closed as his hands drew near to his chest, successfully making himself into a ball as he laid on the cool dirt.
With all those thoughts that he previously had, now laying to rest for the day.

[Image and au Bambi design are by @mechamollars on Twitter. chapter written by the both of us.]

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now