The Day in the Life of a Gamer (Not related)

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It felt much more comfortable living here than anywhere else. Sure he could've lived the luxury of Expunged's weird..Castle home, he even had his own throne that was the perfect fit- But, he had to refuse. As much as he WAS considered the prince of the realm, he really wasn't such a fan of that title.
The idea of being powerful and such did boost something in him, but being considered royalty was just- Uncomfortable in some cases, even if he HAD to wear that crown on his hat.
So, the best next thing was a House perfect for two, perfect for him at least. Everything was comfortable, with nothing too big or too small, with 3 rooms and basically all the necessities he needed to live comfortably and enjoy the quiet living any chance he got...When it wasn't pure hell outside, because of some certain events or dumb excuses. Sometimes he even forgot he was a chaos god! And sometimes it was for the better.
There the chaos god stood, in front of his bathroom mirror wearing the ugliest tank top known to man. It was an early Monday morning, and Bandu was in the middle of washing his face with a wet cloth (nothing else. Not even soap). He leaned his head down a bit, placing the cloth on the edge of the sink after wringing it out. His attention focused onto his whole face in the mirror, staring at each little detail that he caught on..Especially how his hair was starting to get longer than usual...He needed to cut it, it was looking a little-

The sound of the bathroom door opening, interrupted Bandu's thoughts as quick as possible. His reflexes immediately kicked in, his eyes widening and his body tensing as his hand moved to grab the (Xbox Scented™) soap from the edge of the sink. In just a couple of quick seconds, he managed to whip around and throw the soap as much as he could, though enough to not go through someone's head, all in just 3 seconds. A loud smack along with the sound of a quiet clink could be heard, now along with a quiet pained groan- As the soap ended up hitting them in the forehead.

"You scared the fuck outta me dude!"
Bandu exclaimed to the fallen Bendu.
Oh yea! He forgot! He had a roommate—At least it was someone he actually considered a friend. The aforementioned Bendu sat up onto the floor, taking a moment to rub the spot on his forehead- His eye opening to get a good look in front of him with Bandu walking over to him to help him out, only to stop to pick up the fallen glass eye on the ground and hold it to Bendu...Totally not pushing his own body away so he didn't really have to look at it.

Totally not pushing his own body away so he didn't really have to look at it

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" Oh yea, Your uh... "
He cleared his throat
" Eye. Too. Sorry- "
Bandu was still subtly trying to look away from Bendu's glass eye as he began putting it back in it's place.

"Afraid of a little glass eye, eh? Quite surprising considering you've seen worse shit than I have"
Bendu exclaimed, placing his knuckle against his hip as Bandu rolled his eyes and turned around to face the mirror again.

"Psh; Whatever dude."
"Also could you, I dunno, leave the bathroom for a bit? I need my privacy!"
Of course, Bendu obliged and left Bandu be. He also made sure to firmly close the door behind him. Maybe he should knock next time......
He also needed to make BREAKFAST. Thank god he remembered, even if he was a bit scattered from the hard hit in the head...he could handle it! Bendu started to trot down the stairs and into the kitchen after turning on each of the lights for the different rooms he passed by. He had no idea what he was gonna make, but he needed to make something at least! After all, he remembered the last time they forgot about it- Bandu decided to order food in instead, and the next thing He knew- There was a bunch of bodies in the living room.
..That was a fun cleaning experience. And Probably a reminder to never really miss that kind of stuff unless he wanted to see what a Chaos God's craving looked like. As many different thoughts swirled in his head like annoying flies, he opened the pantry door to g-
Corn? He blinked a couple of times at the...Pile of CORN under the shelves of the pantry. Even taking a minute to rub his eye, and look back behind him.

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