3 Hours?!

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Why was it so quiet? It felt rather peaceful actually for once, it was like everything stopped for a split second! Odd feeling, but it was appreciated nonetheless. It wasn't really something to pay mind too, after all...He THOUGHT it was pretty quiet at least. For once he couldn't hear Tristan throwing his toy cars at the fence.


Dave had to physically turn his wheelchair away from the grill to look behind himself to see a very concerning lack of Tristan. His heart dropped into his stomach.

Oh god oh god oh god where did he go-
His head whipped around in different directions around the backyard, seeming as if it was gonna snap- Good thing he didn't have a visible neck!...Anyways.

He yelled louder than before, his pupils shrinking to almost the size of a pea as panic slowly set in to something much bigger, letting his hands guide the wheels to move across the backyard. It didn't help that his breathing became more erratic, now hyperventilating

" Oh my god- Ohhh my god- TRISTAN MOORE- ?! "
Dave was getting pretty damn close to tearing the house apart to look for Tristan until-

"Hi dad!"
There he was. On the roof. He was ON THE ROOF"- No no, SCRATCH THAT! Dave looked up to finally see what this whole thing was about after hearing his son on the roof- Only to see a WORSE sight. He was being held, by the scruff of the shirt- by BAMBI....BAMBI. Who happened to be covered in dirt and scuff marks and was panting like a tired animal-
Why. Why was Bambi holding him over the roof.
Tristan looked fine! And if anything looked like nothing was wrong- Though that wasn't what Dave was focused on, he was more focused on the farmer supposedly about to drop his FUCKING SON- Dave's panicked and scared face immediately shifted into one of annoyance, irritation and then into full throttle rage as practically steam came out of the creases of his mouth. Bambi turned his head to look down at what Tristan had pointed out, only for him to gain a small look of panic himself- One of his hands raised to try to show he meant no harm.

" ...I can explain- "


" Hold on, it's not what it looks like- "
Bambi plead in a quick, yet collected voice. Listen, he had remembered that little truce they had a couple of hours ago and he REALLY wasn't about to break that. This was already getting a tad stressful as it was..if not annoying. Now he knew what everyone else felt. However, Dave still didn't seem to be letting up.


Dave demanded through his teeth, gripping onto the handles of his wheelchair as if he was holding back the urge to hit something. I mean! It's understandable when in situations like this.
Bambi only let out a VERY annoyed sigh, now picking up the confused Tristan in both of his hands and holding him up in the air, and LITERALLY jumping down to then land on his feet with Tristan still being held up in the air. If it wasn't for the fact that he was more concerned for the safety of his son, he would've straight up had a heart attack and DIED right then and there. Was this guy even real?! He jumped from the roof!
Bambi set the child back onto the grass and clenched both of his fists to walk towards Dave with an annoyed look. Dave quickly recollected himself as Bambi got closer and he looked about ready to scold him (well, he was!). Just as Dave opened his mouth to speak- All he saw was a quick green neon light, before experiencing a horrible pain in his stomach...And then, he saw nothing, but pure darkness as his eyes shut. Fuck, he needed a minute, why of all things did THAT tire him out? He needed...More than a minute, A nap could work.
He felt his own body fall out of his wheelchair and onto the soft grass.


Bambi lowered his fists, watching the bright green sparks slowly dissipate away from his skin and disappear- His hand felt hot from that, causing the farmer to shake it slightly, now turning aroun- ...Oh yea, the kid. He looked up and his eyes immediately shot forward with another scared look as he had realized...HE WAS WATCHING THE WHOLE TIME.

" uhm. "
Now Bambi was having an awkward staring contest with a probably scared kid. Without too much thought, the small farmer speed walked up to the kid trying to not accidentally scare him away, by looking...Somewhat less intimidating than when he walked up to Dave. At first Tristan backed up slightly, though Bambi was quick to jump up and-
Gently flick his nose with a little green spark coming back from his finger, Quick and simple..And painless! Because like, Why would he punch a kid? Tristan's eyes flashed bright green colors with little spirals as he fell to the ground with a small stumble, seeming to go into a small slumber...Now Bambi had two sleeping problems he had to deal with! He looked at both of them, reaching up behind his neck to rub it and biting the corner of his mouth. What- to do. Well, their house was right there soo—-With each hand, he grabbed both their arms and began hauling them inside to figure out what his game plan was.

Thank god, he wasn't like the twins. This was purely to not start another fight.
..But it was gonna be an awkward explanation when they woke up.
That's what he worried about the most!

[Chapter written by the both of us.]

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now