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"....Bandu, I understand you wanna give something to your sister but.....why did you grab a fistful of WEEDS?"

Bendu asked as they had walked away from their apartment complex, and a frankly daunting trip down the stairs ever since teenagers had been hiding under said stairs to throw eggs at the passersby. Luckily, there was none today, though it was terrifying to brace for impact at certain steps...Bendu was especially thankful that they passed without getting egged—but now he was left to deal with Bandu's insistence with bringing literal weeds with them. Hell, Bandu was already giving Bendu an offended look.

"Dandelions are one of her favorite flowers, ya dingus!"
Bandu shot back.

"You never told me that??"

"Because you never asked!"

"Aye, Fair enough."
As Bendu replied, Bandu couldn't really believe the words he was hearing! Dandelions weren't weeds, at least he didn't think so anyways. Plus being around his sister changed a lot of his views on that anyways. Though at least they didn't have to argue over something as stupid as whether Dandelions were weeds or flowers. They had to go see Expunged anyway...and that meant- Going from District 5 to District 7. It was one hell of a walk, but Bendu was the one to suggest it—after all, it was a nice day out (for once). 'Nice' days were becoming more and more hard to come by ever since Bambi 'retired'. Bandu on the other hand, was not ready for a miles long walk...But at this point- he felt like Bendu deserved a walk to clear his mind after all the shit they've both been going through so-

"Lead the way!"
Bandu suggested as he stepped closer to Bendu, leading his hand out so he could start walking—opting to fall behind a little with the dandelions in hand, slightly covered them so they didn't get damaged by the (very minimal wind)..Luckily they weren't too far from the district's main city.

"We should be there in about.."
"An hour and a half-ish"
Bendu made a rough guesstimate with a loose shrug. Bandu hung behind in a slouched position. He even already had one of his phones out in his free hand, possibly to pass the time by scrolling through social media. Bendu just wanted to take in the sights, smells, and whatever else was waiting for them.

Though As they approached, Bendu looked around the said city, already seeing a few things that tipped him off. As much as it was sunny and bright outside, with the usually bustling and busy places looking lively as ever! He noticed that many of the structures seemed to be...broken while various harsh particles clouded the atmosphere. As they passed by buildings, he took a peek at some of the construction workers who were high up fixing the buildings from yesterday. They looked tired and obviously annoyed that they had to fix ANOTHER one of these weirdly common incidents, which is probably why they got paid the most. It even seemed that is already being reported on by the news station- with their well dressed and approachable citizens giving an insight to the story before taking a drag of a cigarette once the cameras stop rolling for commercial breaks. Everyone here seemed to be tired! There were various clean up crews who were busy picking up debris and scrubbing the dried Queen's blood from the pavement. It was a sad sight to see. However, at least when they got to the roundabout to cross into another street that would lead them closer to the district, they finally happened across the more lively citizens going about their day (to the best of their abilities).

Bandu noted that they were closer to one of the markets that Bendu sometimes liked to visit if he wanted to experiment and cook something new. The smell of cinnamon and baked fruits already filled the air as they drew closer past the business men of different 3D shapes rushing past them to get to a party on the other side, or a family of 3 wondering what they could do on a beautiful day like this. Though Bendu wondered if that was even a good idea, everywhere he did hear about news of more of those Red glowing cracks popping up. The megapolis was in disarray, even if the city he resided in was in the outermost of the 3 Rings, The Chaos CoreCenter. The territory of the twins, and the biggest urban area in the whole realm—the home of many of the realm's strongest gods in general.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now