Incredibly Normal Day Where Nothing Happens

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The crumpling of paper was, at this very moment, The most familiar sound in the whole apartment. Although the most annoying thing in the quiet abode, it was the ONLY thing that broke the silence. A very frustrated and tired Bendu stuffed several pieces of notebook paper into the bin beside his desk, eyeing it like it was pure trash. Which, in his eyes- It was. His music, his lyrics, his poems..nothing seemed to get past his harsh self-judgment. The bedroom was a disheveled mess of paper; and he only just now noticed. Might as well recycle everything so that someone else could at least make use of it. He leaned back in his chair, his hands rubbing his face to massage it, then positioning his hat to appear straight afterwards.

It sure was quiet without all the pen scribbling and paper. It was almost relaxing..Until it just had to be interrupted.

He recognized the sound of a portal opening in a new spot, mostly due to its high to low pitched whirring- Turning around to look out his door, which was open.

" I'm HOOOOME! "
"with FOOOD"
Bandu yelled from the living room, holding some grocery bags that were wrapped around his knuckle. Brushing it off, Bendu stood up from his chair and grabbed the bin filled with paper, now walking out of his room while kicking a crumpled ball of his work away in annoyance. He carried the trash bin to the kitchen as inconspicuously as he could, in hopes that Bandu would be too busy with whatever groceries he had to worry about him.

"Oh! Hey Bendu!"

–-But Bendu couldn't bring himself to flat out ignore his friend (and roommate).

He awkwardly replied, still moving towards the main trashcan at a stedfast pace. He was right about Bandu being busy with groceries, but did not entirely realize that he was not busy enough to ignore what Bendu was doing

"Saaaay- Whatcha got there?"
Bandu asked, pointing towards the trash that Bendu was holding- And wondering why he was walking that fast (for someone his age)

"Fuck off."
That was an accident. Mostly. He couldn't think of anything else to say in the moment. He set the bin down on the floor and opened the pantry, where the recycling bin was.

"Ah. Failed lyrics again?"
Bandu knew ALL too well. He just watched as Bendu dumped the bin of papers into the recycling bin, looking down at them with absolute detest. All he really did was give a quick sigh. An (indirect) confirmation.That's all Bandu needed to hear to know

"You'll get there eventually!"
Bandu gave a small, hopeful glance before wrestling a box of crackers out of the bag and held it. Bendu just sternly closed the pantry

"Doubt it."
"My music feels stagnant."

"No, don't say that"
"It's the best shit I've ever heard! Honest!"
Bandu wished Bendu would stop being so hard on his music—he was his own worst critic.

"But—music is subjective, everyone may not like it because everyone has their own tastes yadyadayada; but I want EVERYONE to like it and-."
Bendu wanted to accept what his roommate was saying to make himself feel better—but he felt like he just couldn't. Bendu had gotten too deep into the 'professional' mindset that he often forgot to have fun with himself.

"Hey. Maybe you just need'a break?"
"You seemed burnt out as fuck, dude"
Bandu had to cut in before Bendu unintentionally made himself feel worse. He could notice some life come to Bendu's eyes.

"A break?"
"Like...what kind?"

"Oh Y'know! likee, I dunno, going to that one park or something?"
"I know you like to go there..For whatever reasons you may have!"
Besides, It's been a while since Bandu and him have properly hung out.

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