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" (Where the hell is it-) "
Bandu mumbled under his breath, trekking through the MASSIVE castle that Expunged had made ever since it dubbed itself royalty. He wondered why it had to be this big, but then again...It was Expunged. EVERYTHING had to be fucking huge when it came to Expunged. Even her own BED was bigger than a pickup truck.

What more could he really say? He had gone through every single room in the strings of hallways, even the unnecessary rooms for guests- which NO ONE even stayed in nor visited. He also checked the many little rooms she made for the Bambi minions specifically, juuust in case. There were many others and yadda yadda, that it was almost tempting to give up and ask his big question tomorrow- but there was one thing he swore he was good at, and that was perseverance. (Which probably annoyed Expunged a couple of times, even if they were both similarly stubborn). If he remembered correctly, There was one more room to check after many empty ones—and that was one of her many studies..or trophy rooms. She was quite the collector, afterall! With a single finger raised, he paged down the trophy room; and by sheer luck, heard her muffled voice from outside the door (Thank FUCK). Bandu made sure to knock quietly. Unfortunately, there was no answer, Great...It was probably monologuing to itself again. With a sigh, he grabbed onto the doorknob to turn it, and opened the door carefully, he knew not to slam it.

And..His prediction was right! There Expunged was, sitting in his velvet chair with gold encrusted seams that lined the supports, mumbling some petty evil shit to himself like he was some kinda monologuing villain in a show. Bandu decided to get Expunged to snap out of his sibling's stupid little mumble fest.

" Expunged? Hellooo, Mrs. Potty-Mouth? "
That's when he finally got her attention, her head shooting back up to look back at Bandu like a startled, riled up bird.

He inquired with a small scowl.

" I did. You were talking to yourself again, Shakespeare. "

Bandu clasped his hands together as Expunged questioned him, even watching as she stood from her chair to try to seem as intimidating. Bandu took a small gander around the trophy room as he tried to think of..What exactly to say. It was obviously darkened with a crimson red. Skulls and bones of unintelligible, unknown creatures of 3D lined the walls, with glass containers holding more of these mementos. The jars contained dried out eyes, gnarled teeth, more bones, or something even more of value that anyone could want to get their hands on. There were even some pelts of these creatures, or even just random things that were stolen off to be made as trophies..Some were Organic, Mechanical, or completely something different, like it wasn't either Biological or Had any sort of workings—just sentience. In the middle of his trophy room was her fur coat, hanging on a golden hook all set up behind her velvet chair, as it was trying to make a figure in the dark. By the chair was a small table, holding glasses of something in a glass cupboard that was built in the table- It was best to assume it was her mixed drinks of blood that weren't gonna survive until the end of the day.

Everything about this trophy room was dangerous, and mystifying- It was no wonder she usually stayed in here to do her thinking. If any mortal were to see this, they would instantly be filled with dread. Hell, there was even a framed up skull that was bigger than Bandu himself

Bandu looked back up after reading the room.
" I! Came here to ask a question, and maybe talk a bit...Y'know, after everything that happened earlier today? "
"(iiif you're not too busy)"
Expunged blinked, before waving her hand in a circular motion to signal him to continue on. She was...curious to know what this question was, or what he was implying.

" GO ON... "

"Ok! Uhh.."
He popped his knuckles as he stared out into space for half a second, wondering how he'd even go about wording this.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now