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Normally, Turning back into her regular Unfairness form was much more than an easy task. She could do it whenever she wanted without feeling the slightest guilt OR remorse. Despite that, after talking with that kid, she felt what was like plaque in whatever heart she held onto to stay alive...Or at least to have the illusion of living to the mortals she ruled over.
With the weight of what she had done, It was hard to change back into that form..but she managed through- Stuck back in her same old skin and same old clothes, where she had seen her world being brought down by the hands of someone she hated.
As it was still..Ultimately her fault for even thinking she could 100% get away with this without the chance of her own emotions getting in the way. She hated that mortal, she still wanted him dead—but his child didn't know that. She told him, in 'his dad's' own words, that they'd see each other again in the morning. Tristan was likely holding onto the illusion that everything was going to be a-okay, all because of her! What would she even say to him if he were to find out that his dad was dead??

The more she dove into it, the more it started to eat at her. How weird that she was feeling this way. As a God of Chaos- She shouldn't be feeling that way! Every year and every century, it seemed that her own emotions were getting the better of her. She hadn't even realized that her way back home had left her on top of a building that had barely been scraped with damage. Many citizens were gathering at their hiding spot to see her, murmuring and shouting for her to save them- To protect their home—they had no idea that she was the cause of this. She has had to regain their trust many times over in the past, so if they found out that she had accidentally given an 'intruder' power with that piece of scrap metal of a suit and effectively endangered the realm, they would surely clamor for her undoing. They relied on Gods like her to protect them; and Even if she could kill all of them in an instant, she didn't.
Looking down, she could spot many familiars, especially other gods who were injured in this attack...And one she recognized all too well.
Of course the one in Gold was the easiest to spot in a sea of people.
She knew it was Bandu's little friend, she could tell by how easily he stood out from the people around him—and like everyone else, he looked scared and uncertain. What if she lost the trust of the only person who gave her a chance, even if they barely knew each other?

She forcefully waved away the thoughts to clear her throat.


She looked down at the restless crowd again, now finding herself unable to read their expressions.

....at least she was here now, right?

With one last grin towards her..Hopefully loyal subjects- She bounded from her resting spot towards the perpetrator, encapsulated in a red and bright glow that covered her whole body and rocketed right after the robot-suited piece of TRASH. It bolted with great speeds towards him- It was hard to stay on course with all the floating debris. She found herself almost crashing into floating pieces of concrete and using parts of buildings to get herself closer. Though she found a good time to throw out her claws to eventually grab his wheelchair handles as he wasn't looking, pulling him down further away from the sky. The more he accidentally caused destruction around him- the more he became distracted, after all...he was knocked off course by that bubblegum pink asshole. It wasn't until long until he felt a great weight pull down on his wheelchair and himself. He whipped around to see the same person who put him in this situation, grab ahold of his shoulders and turn him around to face her. This was happening way too fast for him to comprehend- especially now that she was back and actively grabbing onto him and trying to do...Whatever she was doing- It scared him, worried him, but yet- It angered him.

Understandably, his first instinct was to lash out and raise hell. He was under the assumption that she was trying to kill him!
Forcing himself to soldier through the pain of moving with the suit equivalent of a Saw trap, He shoved the robotic hand onto her face. He tried to push it as far as he could, but doing so didn't make much of a difference as she opted to grab at the shoulder part of his suit anyways. He sent loud and violent curses her direction as his hand kept trying to harshly shove her jaw away

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now