What Not to do While Getting Your Mail

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"Gotta get the mail, start making breakfast for Tristan and I and then.."

Dave trailed off into his thoughts as he wheeled out the front door and towards the mailbox. It was awfully strange that he still managed to get mail on a daily basis despite being in the middle of nowhere. Eh, Whatever.He then pulled up to the front of said mailbox, pulled out a couple of envelopes, and began turning the wheelchair to leave. Just as the easiest thing was to be said and done; Go into the house and look through whatever uninteresting mail he got today, a quick green light flashed from behind, which was then followed by a small thump- Mostly the sound of shoes clacking against concrete, Right behind Dave. When it was obvious no one was there..Before?
Dave would've almost assumed it was Tristan—until he turned around and saw who it REALLY was. With a short, startled yelp, he flung an envelope straight at the short farmer. Dave must've had a pretty lucky aim, because the corner of the envelope hit the farmer directly in the middle between his eyes- He didn't even have time to get situated properly and get his part written! A small grunt came from him, his eyes crossing to look at the middle of his face, a hand reaching up to pull the mail from his face as he then dropped it on the floor...Even after such a act, his eyebrows seemed to tighten and his eyes narrowing at Dave with a scowl.

That's when Dave realized he now had an angry, 2-foot tall problem.

" Fuckin- IDIOT- "

Bambi grumbled, his fists balling up to then taking a few stomps towards him with intent of ATTACKING him! Not even realizing it was self defense, as he had JUST got there from- Reasons that he can't disclose towards him. And he thought this was a guy he could talk to more!
The Betrayal! He thought...Despite only knowing this guy from a memory and from yesterday. However, Dave was quick to physically stop Bambi in his tracks with his hand as Bambi clawed at the air uselessly.

"Hey now, hold on!-"
He tried to explain himself
Bambi kept throwing his fists and hands at the air, to angry to realize his own strength and status, with his only thought being;

He yelled with his teeth soon clenching and his pupils dilating with the look of pure unfiltered anger. This sudden threat took Dave completely by surprise. How could such a little guy be filled with so much anger?? His eyebrows furrowed at the farmer.


" SHUT UP!!!
Bambi was still not having it, already annoyed by the " ATTACK " and now only getting more defensive at his tone, seeming to try to shush him- He didn't like that tone at all!
All the while, he just kept pursuing the fact that he wanted to get his so-called " revenge " on Dave. There were a couple of reasons why Bambi was so filled with shit at the moment, why his annoyance was..." justified ", one stupid reason after the other. Though even for such a small guy, he didn't seem to be running out of energy anytime soon! He had the anger level of a snapping turtle! This became even more apparent when Dave realized he wouldn't be able to hold him back any longer, as he began to feel his strength give out. Uh oh.
The farmer just kept yelling and yelling! And all because of a simple accident, now starting to use his head to push Dave back as if he had ram horns- Even if it was just a hat that defied all kinds of laws of science and reason. Steam was practically whistling out of the creases of his mouth. Christ, this guy was scary

Interestingly, all of this ruckus coming from Bambi managed to grab someone else's attention. Tristan poked his head out the door, before shuffling out towards the scene.

"That's the weird cat I saw!"

And then, silence.
Ohhh that silence was more than silent! It was- the world had just ended, silent. Bambi stopped his attacks to then gain a blank look on his face, his head pulling away to then drop his hands to his side- Looking over at who had recognized him. Dave was also silent for the moment, now looking at Tristan and then to Bambi.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now