Bandu needs to pick his battles.

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A portal of bright green and many other hues of desired color opened the rift between 2D and 3D, right outside of Bambi's farm- Seeming to appear right behind the barn. It stayed idle as the two little beings made of perfectly modeled polygons slowly changed into black outlined shapes with bright colors to accompany their new...shorter and stubbier appearances. The rift closed, leaving the two stuck for their plan. There could've been a chance to turn back now, but were they really?
Well. No.
Bandu took a moment to get a good look at his new appearance, unphased by the look- This has happened before, if anything it was gonna be like a walk in the park. Stealing corn and rushing back out before Bambi could properly understand the situations before him! Before he decided to actually walk into the cornfield, he wanted to check up on how Bendu was currently handling this. So he did, turning to face the now 2D being—who looked rather displeased with the sudden size shift. Not the best introduction to the 2D realm for Bendu!

"This feels illegal."

"Because it technically is!"
Bandu chimed in, raising a finger (

"But! Immm a chaos god, therefore I won't let you get in trouble! (cant speak for myself though)"
He added on quickly after his first comment. He can let a mortal get away with anything as long as he's there! But that also means having to face the scoldings of a VERY angry sister. Hopefully he had an excuse for that when that time would come. Anyways...The corn.

"Hopefully! Though I don't know what i'd prefer getting murdered by. Bambi, or Expunged."

"..Definitely Bambi."
Bandu replied to Bendu's comment, now trotting to the field as Bendu followed behind- a little perplexed by his answer only letting a small " Huh? ". No time to process it! Because Bandu was already on the move towards the field, with Bendu taking a moment of hesitation- Only to follow behind shortly afterwards. After all..This WAS Bambi's Farm. Who knew what would happen if they were caught?
Rustling came from the field as Bandu snuck into it, leaning his body down as if he were a cat looking for a mouse to pounce on, while Bendu used his hands to gently push them to the side- Muttering curses to himself whenever he would get smacked in the face by one of the stalks. Bandu then stopped, whipping his head around to get a visual before he would go on with their little plan- He sure knew what he was doing, after all...He's no stranger to this. Bendu, on the other hand, was on edge the entire time. Why did he agree to this again??

"Are you SURE you know what the hell you're doing??"
He asked in a sharp, yet whispery tone.

"Relaxx, Bambi will never know we're here"
Bandu reassured with a small wave of his hand. Bendu could only blink at him, now looking up to peak out of the field- his head perking up at the sound of...Voices? Particularly Bambi's..Loud, Annoying Voice. He could never forget it! Even if he wanted to. He mentally groaned at the sight of it, but at the same time- Feared for his own safety. It was only replaced by confusion when he heard another...Clearer voice came into the picture, not as " SILLY " as everyone in the 3D realm was like- More..He wasn't sure, but it was clearly someone new. The golden being peaked out from the field to hopefully get a view of who this new person was- Now letting out a quiet gasp at the sight of the all too familiar Bambi and a 2D being, seeming to have a chat together. It was, Puzzling.

The two weren't even paying attention to the field—rather, they were more focused on each other. What were they even talking about?? Bendu was all too curious...He squinted to hopefully get a better look...Was Bambi smiling? Sure The only smiles he's seen from Bambi's were more ones of detest and pride, though from his subtle knowledge of facial expressions and social interactions- It SEEMED genuine, he looked relaxed! How odd, especially for someone like him. He stared off a bit more, letting the gears turn in his head- Only to see the bright shade of green appear in his corner view.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now