At the Border

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The feeling of being stuck is probably one of the most terrifying and hopeless feelings to ever grace a sentient and conscious mind- of course it was one that was ever so familiar to Bendu. Burnout wasn't helping with him trying to clear his head of any horrible events that occurred in his life. The feeling of loss was too great and he needed to get it out of his head, but alas, he was stuck in metaphorical tar. He felt like the only thing he had done today was stare out the living room window, out into the busy street below. How full of life the city was, yet he couldn't relish in it—not when his mind was louder than a buzzing beehive.

Loneliness was his only friend at the moment, as were the unfortunate memories of—-

"Yo Bendu! What'cha up to?"

Oh. Bandu was home.

Bendu sucked in air through his teeth irritably, before slowly turning around to face his godly roommate just a few meters away. Of course, he had to be a dramatic poet and hate everyone around him for a few minutes even if it was just his current mood. Bandu was a good friend—Today just wasn't the best day, and he was even going so far as to berate his own feelings by calling himself ' Dramatic. Reluctantly, He then decided to speak up, with an expression that read that he was not the most sound person at the moment.

"...Nothing. Just- Doing my own thing."
He responded in a very quiet voice, which Bandu picked up on- despite being in a good mood himself...or well, what Bendu thought was a good mood at least. He could easily tell how Bandu was starting to bottle things up more than usual- but he kept quiet. Maybe Bandu was trying to keep a good mood after the fiasco that happened yesterday, especially since he planned to visit Expunged later today.

  Bendu could still vividly remember watching how Bandu lashed out at Bambi yesterday.

...It was terrifying to see Bandu that mad at someone.

Bendu would've just gone back to brooding if Bandu hadn't noticed how off he looked and sounded.

"You sure sound a bit sad for someone doin' 'their own thing'." Bandu pointed out with a raised eyebrow, which made Bendu lower his head with some guilt.

"You doing okay?"

He asked, to which Bendu replied, in a very not so happy nor joyous tone:


It was at least better than just flat out saying 'No' or 'Yes, But I want to never be perceived in this world and I long for d-'



Bandu raised an eyebrow at Bendu's stubborn defiance. It worried him

"Dooo you need me to stick around for a lil'?"

"Yea. That could help"

"(I don't trust myself at the moment anyways.)" Bendu admitted, which already made the god worried enough. Though he knew what usually helped him calm himself at times, it was moments like this where Bendu just needed to rest.

"Well. I'll be here for a little while if ya need me! I plan to visit my sister soon so..."
Bandu took out one of his many phones and let it levitate while he took off his jacket to wrap around his waist.

"I can also order some food before I leave so we can eat." ...Bendu had to be honest, after hours of not eating- some trashy grease filled food sounded at least a little appetizing.

"..Sure. You pick."
"Just No pizza. Anything, but that."

"(Dammit. Forgot You're picky)"

"Says you! You never want to eat carne puerco, arroz con frijoles—You eat like a goddamn cracker!
Bendu jabbed, pointing a finger at him, with Bandu giving a dramatic offended look.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now