Wrong House

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Dave was still set on getting rid of whatever 'pest' had gotten in the house, regardless if it was actually 'dead' or not. He was gonna get pest control right on it! The mortal was now near the kitchen, phone in hand. He already had the number readily available and was about to press the call button. Bambi was on standby, already idling near Dave as he dialed pest control...He really didn't think that getting pest control involved was a good idea, for multiple reasons- Especially since now that Bambi analyzed the fur more, it was clearly just Expunged...But, why was Expunged here? In its true form? And in Tristan's room? Hm. He probably had to ask some questions later, but even so- He walked closer to Dave, now tapping on the arm support of his wheelchair to get his attention.

" Listen Dave...Dunno if it's a good idea callin' pest control. "
He assumed this was enough to deter him. If anything, Dave was the least stubborn of the two.

"...why not? I have'ta ask.."
He asked curiously with his pointer finger hovering over the call button.
"Do you wanna go hunt it down yourself?"
Dave wasn't being 100% serious with that question, but If Bambi was crazy enough to do that then Dave would honestly let him. It would save him some money—and the trouble. By the context of what Bambi was thinking though, that would end up as some kind of death wish.

" ... "
Which further made him realize that this was a bad idea. He had to get himself out of his own predicament
" Well, uh. It's probably dead so there's really no need ta' or..yea. "
VERY out of character, since the idea of hunting down anything ranging from a bug to a rodent that was disturbing the house or the barn would be fulfilled by this crazy thing.

"Youuu just think it's dead?"
He was sure Bambi would've taken up the task anyways, knowing how...strange he was.

" Yea. "
" It smells dead. "
" What? You wanna smell it and make sure it's dead or sumthn'? "

Dave immediately put his hands up in disgust. That was gonna be a no from him!

"Do I look like a vulture to you??"

" ...Does an extra bald one count? "

"I still have hair on my head for at least another 30 years ya dick!"

" Make it 10. "

"Yea, because you'll have ripped it all out by then"

Bambi gave a cheeky smile.
" Probably. "
Now..Bambi didn't know what to do with the fur in his hand. Should he just..throw it away? Maybe! He figured if he kept it around long enough it would start to stink up the place. There was no point in keeping it anyways! With that thought in mind, he shoved the clump of fur into one of his pockets until he could find a trashcan to dump it into. He still had no idea if Dave was gonna call pest control or not, even so, another thought came into Dave's mind as he set his phone on his lap.

"And another thing!"
"How did Tristan manage to skip school?! I-I saw him walk out the door and everything! It doesn't make sense as to WHY either."
This still majorly perplexed Dave—it made little sense!

"Maybe he somehow....ran back? I don't know.."
"Very head-scratchin'"

" Dunno why he would though. "
Bambi added on, shrugging with a casual expression. Even if he had a hunch of what happened, but...He wasn't sure. All he knew is that Expunged was definitely caught up in this.
He would have to keep an eye out if that's the case. Stay close to the kid.
" I'll keep a better look out on him if it makes ya' feel better. "

"I suppose..."
Something still didn't add up. It seemed almost unrealistic to think Tristan ran back home from the bus, at least to Dave. He was gonna have to ask Tristan what happened later..

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now