Weird Fuckin' Cat

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Quiet day as the now 2D being felt well rested enough...In a bush, in someone's backyard, with no other sign of where else to go. His eyes fluttered open, almost getting poked by the branches as his head raised up out of instinct to his waking self. The bush shook as he tried to maneuver his way around the sharp branches and the annoying leaves, one of his hands reaching up to hold onto his ha-...
Where's his hat.
Fuck it probably fell out of the bush. As he fully poked his head out of the shrubbery he realized he had come face-to-face with another pair of eyes.

A child was staring at him.
With a stifled gasp, he fell backwards into the bush as a hand pushed through the branches in an attempt to grab him. Bambi literally had to distort his body in MULTIPLE ways that he has never done before to not get grabbed, using his powers to his advantage- As much as it pained him in this new 2D form, it was better than his...Other option—to bite in self defense. Usually, that was not a problem for Bambi when someone got too close, but- This was a kid, and that would even cause even more problems if he ever got caught. Plus even then, he did not feel like drawing blood already from when he just woke up, that was for another time with some unlucky sap when it was...Nevermind. He had to snap out of his thoughts as he moved back more and more, feeling the familiar cloth of his hat right beside him. With a quick swipe, he grabbed it and immediately covered his messy brunette hair, which was wrapped up in a bun for simplicity of hiding his hair- with the green beanie of the kind- holding onto the rims to secure it as he was supposed to await the passing of..Whoever kid's this was. He wasn't even able to get a proper look at the kid, but he did get a glimpse of their face, which had two miss-matched eyes.

Speaking of the kid, they were still blindly reaching around the bush for the 'mysterious creature' before finally giving up and running off. After hearing the fading footsteps, Bambi felt a bit of relief— that was until he heard:


That was his cue to get the FUCK outta there! Bambi scrambled to his feet,his hands now seeming to try to grip onto the ''' Gate ''', though he felt a sudden force holding him back. Determined, he gave a harsh tug to his body, suddenly feeling release as he scaled up the gate again, If not in a bigger hurry than usual, with widened eyes and sweat beading down his face already, along with heavy panting. Soon, reaching the edge, He looked down before leaping from the height- landing onto the ground with a pained grunt...As he landed right onto his face.

His 'grand escape' was only just missed by the two residents by just a few seconds. Had it been only a few more moments, pest control would've likely been called on him. The young child had dragged his poor father by the arm all the way outside, only to see that the bush was vacant.

" was right here?"

The kid said, a hint of confusion and sadness in his voice. He got closer to the bush to double check, which was when he noticed a torn piece of a bright red polo shirt hanging off a piece of a branch. How odd...
The young child reached forward to grab it, and then presented it to his confused dad.

As the child only pushed both of their curiosities to the very core, Bambi pried his face off the grass to then start running on all fours, then rebounded to go back onto two legs- Seeming to run as fast as he could away from the house

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As the child only pushed both of their curiosities to the very core, Bambi pried his face off the grass to then start running on all fours, then rebounded to go back onto two legs- Seeming to run as fast as he could away from the house...AND NEVER! COME BACK! As much as it was considered like a safe haven due to its luscious garden and life that had been grown, as if it was the reincarnation of the Garden of Eden. He still pushed his limits to get as far away from the house as he could even go. There was nowhere else! But there had to be at least another place for him to stay, after all- If that family lived there, then surely there had to be something else awaiting the farmer for a sanctuary.

All that running was really draining his energy, but he had to keep going. He didn't feel safe just yet. It didn't matter that it had been 20 minutes of just him running across an empty, featureless field. Soon enough, the hard work eventually started to pay off, as to stop to finally catch his breath after running for his own damn life- Which probably wasn't even at stake! He looked off into the horizon, if not it was pretty close to him, only to see a red barn and a whole farm..Seemingly vacant at the moment, with already a bunch of produce seeming to falter and decay. It must've been abandoned for a while.
Though at least this was something he was very familiar with, as his old origin room seemed to host a farm of the same vain for him to actually calm down and have time to himself...Which was..

Yea, Farm will do. Wiping the sweat off of his forehead from under his hat, he started to trot his way over to the sight. If this was gonna be his home, So be it! At least it was something he can work with! And something a little too familiar.
...Was he being toyed with like a mouse and this all just a plan? Or was he just paranoid, tired, sweaty, and ready to drop and pass out at any time?
Either way, The latter was not the best thought.

[Images were drawn by @mechamollars on Twitter. chapter written by the both of us.]

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