Lightning Never strikes in the Same Place Twice

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Usually, Dave wasn't the BIGGEST fan of staying up too late.
Depending on the day he would go to bed early and then take another hour or so to get up in the morning. Tonight, however, was different— he had a knot in his stomach and he couldn't even think about getting some shuteye. All because of a certain someone that wanted his head on a stick, which both frustrated and terrified him to the core.
So, While Bambi slept away in the guest room, Dave was still in the living room, sitting on the couch watching some mindless television to attempt to keep the knot in his gut away. He wasn't even sure if he liked what was on, but hey! It was distracting enough to keep him from over-analyzing every floor creak and minor thump caused by his cat—but not enough to keep him from looking at the shadowy corners of the room. There were times where he swore he saw something hiding in a corner, something that appeared to be too big to be Bambi or even his aforementioned cat.

But after a while of mentally telling himself that everything was fine and dandy, He was starting to border on getting sleepy, thank god. He was highly considering falling asleep on the couch and dealing with Bambi's concerned questions in the morning. He just didn't feel like going all the way into his room, not tonight. Even his own room didn't feel 100% safe at the moment. Part of him wished Bambi was with him, but the other part just wanted to let Bambi sleep—he did do a lot of work on his farm today after all. Maybe he was working himself too much?
..Hm, He'll have to talk about that tomorrow. For some reason, the mere mentioned thought of Bambi made him hear footsteps coming from down the hall. Looking over, he stared to see who was coming- Tristan? Bambi? The footsteps got louder and closer, enough to the point where he could make out it was most likely Bambi's, mostly by how small and quick they were.
It didn't take long to see his silhouette stop by the side of the couch after he had reached the living room...Hm. Even with his silhouette, something was wrong? Maybe it was from how tired he was.
What did strike him as odd though, was the fact that his eyes weren't glowing as they usually did at night.

"Bambi? Whatcha' doin'?"

He squinted at the obscured figure standing in the doorway.

" Heeeyy.. "
" I was- uh..Wondering if we could talk. "
" Privately. "
Bambi spoke, rather robotically almost- It was weird. Creepy even....but maybe it was just him. He wasn't sure.

"About what?"
Dave inquired in a hushed yet skeptical tone. It seems as if he wasn't really gonna get an answer, until he did, Thankfully.

" ..About our 'Relationship'. Friendship. Whatever. "
He abruptly answered. Was this a bad thing? He couldn't tell by his off-sounding voice, and it worried him. Bambi had never sounded like this before so it was bound to make Dave overthink any potential, unintentionally 'bad' things he could've said to Bambi.

Dave moved his hands around in a vague circle.
"Is it about something I said?"

" It'ssss hard to explain. I guess. We Should talk somewhere more private. "

..Huh? This was very odd of Bambi to do, usually he would just say things flat out and run away like he just told Dave the worst thing he's ever heard. All of his red flags were going up one by one and yet he was choosing to ignore them, excusing it as just his ever increasing sleepiness and paranoia.

"I mean...the living room woulda worked just fine, Tristan ain't a light sleeper."
"(Plus I wasn't really planning on movin' any time soon...)"

" ..Whatever You say. "
And just like that, Bambi walked back into the hallway without saying another word, his footsteps getting quieter.

Oh shoot. Did he somehow make things worse? Was Bambi mad at him?

"Ahh hold on! Hold on!"
"I'm movin' my tuckus hold on!"

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now