Welcome Back?

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With the sun shining onto the farm, and the day more quieter than ever, it could've been confused. It was a lazy day- Or even a break from all the hard work! Not a single yell was exchanged or the sound of glass shattering..Weird, But Peaceful nonetheless. The only sound that was REALLY heard was the sound of muffled..sniffing, with  the familiar farmer hunched over onto the ground with his legs pushing him forward. This was fairly normal actually, but not for....weeks straight, even then he would turn up with absolutely nothing- Corn thieves do something to him, huh.

"Hey, uh, have you considered maybe...taking a break for your own wellbeing?"
"We could watch a movie or something"

Dave's concerned voice interrupted Bambi's intense search, which only led to Bambi ignoring him. Ouch. With Dave now idling near the farm- As he literally just arrived a while ago, he watched the farmer keep going..Until stopping, standing up from his search to adjust the hat on his head.

" Nothing! AGAIN! "
His pissed off voice yelled, now wiping the dirt off of his face and spitting a rocket of it to the side as he went to stand back up. Another day, no corn thief spotted! He felt like he was on the brink of giving up. Bambi turned towards Dave, now wiping the sweat off of his forehead after doing so with dirt all over his face- As much as he was exhausted he still had a bit of energy, now starting to walk back towards Dave, who was visibly frowning.

".....you look really tired"

" I'm fine! Not like I got a broken back or anything. "

"You will get one in a couple hours"
Dave proceeded to mutter under his breath in response. Thank god Bambi didn't hear him.

" Back to wor- "
A single corn stalk rustled.
And THAT'S When Bambi actually started to listen to his sense of hearing-His neck snapping behind him to immediately get into a lunging position.


And that's when Dave saw Bambi use all of his body strength to throw himself into the field with a loud yell- Which sounded more like a shriek with the intent of KILLING. Not even a moment later, there was a loud crash followed by a terrified shriek. Bambi caught something all right! There was a small struggle, but Bambi's hand managed to land on the culprit's head- now effectively holding them against the dirt. Struggle they might, but it was basically useless—for a guy Bambi's height, he sure was strong.

Bambi kept yelling, now using his grip to slam the culprit's head against the ground as much as he could- Seeing red, before just..Seeing green. Causing him to stop once he had noticed, where the green was coming from- A very familiar bright hat and a certain perched up crown. Wonder wonder...Bambi finally took a second to realize.

" ... "
" BANDU? "

Bandu looked almost relieved, mainly because Bambi had stopped attacking him, as he realized he was his friend, right? It was a huge wave of relief that Bambi would still consider such a th-
Bandu immediately felt his face being hit against the ground again, with Bambi going back to yelling

Yea, Even if Bandu was technically his friend, He was still mad for a lot of reasons- It wasn't until he stopped to process who he was, where he was, what was going on, and who else was there- Getting off of Bandu. He felt his whole body get hot and red, his head almost disappearing before coming back, along with the red hue.

" I'M CALM. I'm. Calm. "
" I'M FINE. "
With Bambi now taking attention away from Bandu, He watched as Bambi used very short and heavy breaths to- Try and calm himself down? That's...New? Very new actually, it made Bandu wonder for only a couple of seconds.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now