A Beginners Guide to Making Friends

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The god's shoes stepped against the soft ground of the barn, dirt and grass mixing together as he took a step across the field of ever-growing corn stalks that would soon grow taller in the coming time. His eyes would dart from place to place, checking each and every detail of such an interesting environment, all of his senses kicking in at once as he would sometimes reach down to poke at the ground- Feeling how different it was to the 3D realm. It was soft, fragile, and...Itchy. He brushed off his hand, now getting to the trail that led to the entrance, creating a weird scene that led to the barn which then was almost guarded by the stalks of corn that was held back by the wooden fence. Everything felt quiet, too quiet, it unnerved the poor guy- Sometimes taking a moment to whip around to see if anyone had been watching nor following him, doing so at such an unnecessary moment to REALLY catch someone off guard if they were,

Thankfully, He was alone..Thankfully may have been a bad choice of words.
It was nerve-wracking to be all alone as he entered the empty barn, the shade obscuring him from the now slowly growing sunlight that had peaked out of the clouds after a moment of rain and downpour. The barn seemed to be slowly falling apart, a job he would have to tend to later-...Which was gonna be a " fun " experience since...How was he supposed to repair things? He could use some of his powers with that, but he wasn't sure if anyone would pass by or come up to him. And even speaking of that- If he was gonna start living, getting all the proper necessities...He would need money of course, But! He could always steal and quickly teleport as fast as he could—Though that could also draw attention, everything he wanted to do to make things easier always had the possibility of him drawing such unwanted notice, and possible breach of some people finding out about the realm as a whole...Ugh. Maybe he can sell some of the corn that he didn't need, maybe even grow extra produce in the back to spice things up when it comes to variety.
Anyways, Now he had a to-do list in his head for the time being.

At least that might distract him from the loneliness looming over him. Maybe.

And Something even better to distract him from loneliness!

...He dropped to his knees and face planted onto the dirt. He was too tired to give half a shit about loneliness or anything else; right now, he needed a nap. A long, hard nap.


Has a year passed already? All the time, working on the farm, finding a good place to call his home, getting his own little abode set up, and getting back into the practice of farming? Even with starting to understand the fundamentals and understandings of the mortal world, and how everything works much more differently than back there. It seemed everything was starting to go in...Well, A direction, selling corn and having some people come to your barn for such a thing was a bit of a breather- But sometimes that resulted in very quiet situations where he had personally realized how...Isolated he was from everyone else. Though was he gonna go out of his way to actually explore the outside? No. Who knows what people would do if they saw him accidentally do something out of pocket, or just see him in general in a huge crowd and not just a single person seeing him, buying some corn- And driving away. It was also too scary to sometimes even think about going into the unknown, the only time he REALLY went out was to buy supplies or necessities..And THAT was anxiety inducing for the farmer! He always got weird looks and got called some adjectives he wasn't fond of, even when people came to buy some of that corn he grew in his farm

Barely anything had changed for him, Sometimes he wondered how the twins were doing- Without him to maintain the peace of the dimension they were probably panicking all over the place and probably accidentally destroyed a couple of buildings. He chuckled at that fact, feeling some kind of relief as he sat against the red walls of the barn, one of his legs crossed over  the other as he used his hands as head rests. Even with such peaceful scenery, that relief was back to being replaced by horrible solitude. Even so...He got up from his comfortable position, leaning back to stretch, before hunching over to going back to the stand he had built for an occasion as- Selling corn, how FUN. Eh, Get over it Bambi, it's something you decided to do...AS MUCH. As watching the cars drive by was way more fun, yesterday he counted about 16 that drove past, and 4 of them were going past the speed limit...He awaited the day there was gonna be an accident, dunno- It would be kinda funny if the cars got totaled.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now