Acres of Broken Glass

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The whole hallway smelled clean, like it had just been sterilized- It burned David's nose, and sure as well was gonna give him a migraine if he sniffed a little too hard—Though he was powering through it. Today was something special, more special than he could ever dream of.
The bright white hallways led to a very tightly locked and guarded steel door, framed in yellow and black tape that read ' CAUTION! ' on all sides in bold letters. They were thicker than the walls in this place and posed an ominous feel to whoever stared at it for too long.
This however? Was not his first time he faced this door; Hell, it was more like looking at an old friend due to how long this specific project had been going on. It had been, what; 2 years of coming face to face with that stupid metal door? Well, That's about as far as the mental file cabinet inside his brain went.
Though he knew one thing for certain, and it was that he and his fellow coworkers had been through thick and thin to get this project over the finish line—But at long last, he could finally taste the thrill of crossing that finish line. The feeling buzzed in his chest like an impatient fly.

With bated breath, David wheeled himself over to the card reader beside the guarded entrance to present his id card. It scanned his card, then prompted a facial scan (to which David totally had no trouble with! Totally didn't have to adjust the angle of his face multiple times!)
After practically fighting with a machine smaller than his own head, it finally let out a small 'ding!' and the doors slid open with a mechanical whir. David could breathe easy for a few seconds before going on his merry way.

He was indifferent to how much technical work it took for those damn doors to open, especially with how stubborn they were. As over complicated and show-offy it looked and sounded, It was needed! A project this secretive and ambitious deserved only the tightest (and arguably annoying) security—yet, despite it all, he was a part of it! For once, he felt almost proud of himself, watching the last steel door slide open to reveal the familiar sight of a shorter hallway that led to an observation deck surrounded by even thicker glass panes. Wheeling himself inside, he was presented with the familiar sight of a long control panel and the glass panes that made a window to the main presentation of this whole project.

A large and protected room, donned with multiple catwalks and alarms with a speaker, with multiple security cameras to capture this moment in full glory. In the middle of it was a contraption standing taller and wider than a whole plane engine. Put together the most strongest metals and steel components, with wires connecting to a large power source against the walls. There was a large hole in the middle of it, and the whole contraption stretched onto the back wall, like a large tunnel as if something were to go inside and reveal the truth to everyone behind. This...artificial tunnel was segmented with more and more electronic parts that looked like stage lights, only harnessing very powerful energy that they could contain in such a short amount of time. They had to resort to even nuclear energy for something as big as this, using the greatest minds to assemble this unknown machine into something great. They didn't even refer to it with a name, only calling it what it was...
The future. Fate Herself.
David had been so absorbed in his own thoughts that he failed to notice someone behind him.

"Y'know we're gonna be starting here in a few minutes right?"
His colleague placed a hand on his shoulder and shook it lightly, forcing him out of his head. He instinctively whipped his head around to face whoever touched his shoulder, flinching and slightly moving his arms up in the process. Didn't take him very long to recognize the face of someone he was kinda-sorta friends with—his team member, and Dave's ex from highschool and now friend, Muko. He felt a little awkward for zoning out in front of him, but he quickly waved it away with a fake smile.

" Oh yeah! Haha "
" I didn't forget about, that don't worry "

"Uhh huh"
Muko sounded skeptical, though David ignored him to look around the room, then at the other scientists. He quietly counted them to himself using his pointer finger.
Everyone was in the room—well, almost everyone.
......Someone was missing.

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