To or to Not Speak to Your ex

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A harsh, bright light pierced through Dave's eyelids. He could have sworn he was dead, or even in a coma of some sort—but the annoying sunlight in his face proved otherwise. He turned onto his side with his back facing the window. As Dave slowly came to his senses, he realized that he was, in fact, back in his own his own bed; like the nightmare he faced never happened. Hell, he was half-convinced that it was just a nightmare—until a dull pain hit his body when he decided to move a little more.
He dropped his blurry gaze down towards his own body, mostly his arms. All he expected was his own pale skin, with his usual body hair and small scarring. Normal things that made him, himself. Instead he was faced with still bloodied and nasty looking blurred patterns lining the side of his arms, a thin circle surrounding a medium sized gash in the center. It was like someone had poked something deep into his skin, the scars that he had sustained almost looked like eyes..It unnerved him, disturbed him. Although disturbed by the sight, he was wondering why the pain was lesser, and why there weren't any bandages.
What happened? Did...Bambi have something to do with this?

It sickened him to think about, as both the pain from these new scars lined his arms, body and the outer side of his thighs, reaching the end. It was only worse then he could already recognize phantom pain starting to kick in from these injuries—When that suit also connected into his leg stumps, how the small prickly ends had stabbed into his skin and rendered him in constant pain and agony, Holding his body together in a way that was meant to be ""human"", not whatever species of living being he was supposed to be.

So it wasn't some dream—he really did go through all that, whatever that was. It all felt like a massive blur to him...yet the pain he experienced was as fresh as ever in his mind. There were bits and pieces that he remembered, such as the memory of when Bambi first confronted him and promised to take him home, to keep him safe—And that's exactly what he did. But...there was also the sudden, newfound knowledge of finding out that your best friend was practically god—or well, a god—of the very realm he once wanted to study. He brought his palms up to rub his tired face at the slew of thoughts filling his brain. What was even the point of all this? It felt like one event after the other to make him debate if he should just give up—A test if he thought about it more.
It was annoying, tiring, and frankly more than exhausting!

He inhaled sharply as he let his hands rest on the bed, feeling a little better after massaging his own face. It was only followed by him staring at his own hands for minutes, until he heard the door creak open. Looking up, he noticed *who* had opened the door. A little short friend of his, Bambi. The awkward aura was still very present, as neither of them said anything to the other. Bambi himself even appeared hesitant to step further into the room. He had his hands intertwined with each other. After what had happened earlier, he felt all kinds of pressure to explain everything, to apologize for being an immortal, all-powerful (debatable) entity—even though it was never his decision to be one.

Slowly, he approached the bed with a shameful look on his face- trying to appear as the 'always indifferent straight man', but if anything it was difficult to keep up that composure. Bambi looked up at Dave after getting to his side of the bed, just to quickly alter his gaze to look at the covers after staring for a few seconds too long. With all his strength he jumped up on the bed and hoisted himself up- now standing to waddle over to Dave with that still hesitant look. Dave..confused of what Bambi was doing, raised an eyebrow and obviously tensed up- only to die down when he saw Bambi notice this. He stepped back and decided to look at his arms from a reasonable distance, observing the scars on his forearms with a tightened and focused face.

The momentary observation broke after Bambi shook his head and rubbed his temples in a 'oh I really fucked up' kind of way. Despite it only being a few hours since he healed Dave, he was hoping the scars would've cleared up a little more. He always forgot that mortals suck ass at healing.

Dave and Bambi: Calamity Rose Edition Where stories live. Discover now