- pick a side, coach -

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They didn't make it to the ship.

Halfway across the dock, three giant eagles descended in front of them. Each deposited a Roman commando in purple and denim with glittering gold armour, a sword, and a shield. The eagles flew away, and the Roman in the middle, who was scrawnier than the others, raised his visor.

"Surrender to Rome!" Octavian shrieked, glaring at the three girls holding slushies and knives. Teqi stepped in front of Piper and Annabeth, mainly to protect them if Octavian and his buddy's attacked, and also half hoping her blood stained everything would scare him off.

Her plan didn't work, Octavian only muttered something about blood thirsty savages. By himself, the skinny augur wouldn't have bothered her, but the two other guys looked like seasoned warriors, Teqi could take them with her knives and vines, but she couldn't grow any on a dock. And if they were trying to attack Annabeth and Piper, she couldn't distract all three of them.

There was also the fact that Teqi was pretty sure she wasn't allowed to kill them, but that was her only fighting style. Piper raised her hands in a placating gesture. "Octavian, what happened at camp was a setup. We can explain."

"Can't hear you!" Octavian yelled obnoxiously. "Wax in our ears—standard procedure when battling evil sirens. Now, throw down your weapons and turn around slowly so I can bind your hands."

Teqi was tempted to throw her knife into his foot, but the glare Annabeth gave her translated clearly too, 'no more blood please'.

The ship was only fifty feet away, but Teqi saw no sign of Coach Hedge on deck. He was probably below, watching his stupid martial arts programs. Leo's group wasn't due back until sunset, and Percy would be underwater, unaware of the invasion. Hazel was gods know where. If the girls could get on board, they could use the ballistae; but there was no way to get around these three Romans without killing them.

Teqi and Piper turned to Annabeth, who was panicking. Teqi wasn't the best for plans and such, so the girls expected their blonde friend to get them out without bloodshed. The eagles circled overhead, crying out as if to alert their brethren: Hey, some tasty Greek demigods over here!

"Well?" Octavian demanded. His two friends brandished their swords readily. Very slowly, using only two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the water. Teqi frowned, and then started laughing when she realised what the genius's plan was.

Octavian made a squeaking sound, edging away from Teqi. "What was that for? I didn't say toss it! That could've been evidence. Or spoils of war!"

Annabeth shrugged innocently, and Octavian seemed to buy it. He huffed in exasperation and narrowed his watery eyes at Teqi, who was still giggling at his expense. "She's gone mad!"

Piper snorted. Teqi just smiled at him, "Oh that's old news... Like you."

All around the Romans, Charleston Harbor erupted like a Las Vegas fountain putting on a show. Teqi heard their shrieks and wails, watching their distorted bodies flail around. When the wall of seawater subsided, they were sprawled around gasping like dying fish.

Percy stood on the dock, holding Annabeth's dagger. He lifted his hand and another wave came up to drag them down, but someone else bet him too it.

A mountain of sand nearly as tall as the Argo II in the distance came up along the edges of the jetty, matching Percy's wave. Then the clumpy sand spilled out over the soldiers and melted through the cracks of the jetty, pushing their bodies over the edge. When it was all gone, the three Romans were in the bay, spluttering and frantically trying to stay afloat in their armour.

madness and ecstasy // leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now