- el fin-

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"I'm back bitches!"

"You've already used that one, T." Ollie noted from where he was studying at the desk, the one at the back of the room next to the bathroom door. He was in a bathrobe, considering dinner had finished and curfew was in two hours. Fortunately, the Dionysus cabin wasn't last on the list from cabin inspections, and no it definitely wasn't because Piper was leading it today, so they didn't have to wash up from dinner.

"Where even where you?" Brandon asked, drying his hair as he left the bathroom. Teqi wasn't sure if she was allowed to tell everyone about bunker nine, the quest, and the ship, but word would get out anyways so she may as well tell them now so they were in the loop. She was also going on the quest so they deserved to know.

"I'm going on a flying ship that Leo's building with the head of a mechanical slightly dead dragon to Greece to stop mother nature from killing us all. Also, we're going to have to pick up the other four slightly used demigods from a camp that will try to kill us. We found the blueprints for the flying ship that Leo actually drew when he was four in a bunker in the middle of the forest that had been hidden since the civil war."

After re considering it, maybe that wasn't the best way to put it.

The reactions were varied, Ginny started crying, Brandon dropped his towel and started twitching, and grapevines grew from between the floorboards and curled around Ollie's desk.

"Please don't go I just got a big sister I don't want you to go again!"

"Nope, not happening, not at all."

"That fuckwit, why did Chiron let you go? Why are you even going, anyone else could go! Of course, you'd do great but you just left and you've already sacrificed enough for this dam camp. Whose fault is this? Who needs rescuing? I bet its Percy Jackson, it is, isn't it?" Ollie fumed from his seat.

"Hey guys, it's in six months or so, I'm not leaving tonight or anything!" Teqi explained quickly, spreading her hands out. Ginny sobbed from her bed, and the three of them sat down with her.

"You have to explain that properly at some point, okay?" Brandon told Teqi, rubbing Ginny's back soothingly. Ollie's reaction was the least expected out of all of them, usually he was calm and kind, but right now he was twitching with anger beside her.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah." He sighed, rubbing his face. "You've already sacrificed enough, the gods shouldn't be sending you on another quest, not to Greece of all bloody places. I'm being stupid, it's just not fair."

"Since when is life fair? Were demigods, we suffer so the world doesn't have to." Ginny said quietly, and Teqi was hit with the fact this little girl who was eight, eight, was more traumatised than half of the mortal population. "Thats just how it works."

Deep shit. "Anyways, does anyone know the guy with pink hair?"

"Uhhh, why?" Brandon asked in an odd voice, making Teqi narrow her eyes. "He's one of Drews friends, Iris cabin I think."

"He was just insulting me today, don't even know what he meant." Teqi sat up properly, fixing a crooked poster of finding dory that was blue tacked to the wall. More like finding Percy. "Okay so I have something to tell you. Before you find out from some dick head like Micky."

"Spit it out."

"We slept together." Brandon looked up from where he was fiddling with his scarred thumbs, nervously. Ollie and Ginny shared a glance, obviously already knowing. "Okay? I'm assuming your talking about Drew and not mister pinkeye." Teqi asked, moving to her bed so she could take of her muddy trainers.

madness and ecstasy // leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now