-sad wet covered-in-blood boy hours-

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new emoji set new pov i hope y'all like it <3 and it's in character 🙏



Leo gagged on the blood in his mouth. It ran down his chin. He tried to sit up, but his arms were so shaky and weak that he wasn't even surprised when he slipped and began to faceplant again.

He just sighed.

Except then he was faceplanting into someone. He held onto her sleeves, partly because otherwise he'd be dragged away by an angry gust of wind again and partly because he was afraid he might just bleed out through his palms... And because he was terrified and wanted a hug.

Teqi was very cold. Not as cold as the glares he had been given by those stupid wind guys. Ugh. That had really happened? His head was spinning so bad. Maybe it had just been a nightmare.

Blood pooled in his mouth again. It was hot and tasted like metal. He felt around with tongue and then physically cringed when he felt the gross gummy gap where a tooth used to sit. FUCK.

Leo opened his eyes slowly, and glared at the clear, sparkling blue, sky.

"What was that?" he asked, but it came out as a croak. Blood dribbled out. Gross. His head was in her lap. Those wickedly sharp black knives were at her feet. She was not who he thought she was.

He looked up at Teqi. He squinted. "What, who... wait... who are you?!"

Teqi looked down and blinked a few times. "I'm sorry."

Her eyes weren't glowing purple like her brain had turned to bubble-gum anymore, at least. They were back to normal levels of purple. If that was even a thing. They were really pretty though. He let go of her hoodie and left bloody handprints behind.

He felt tears well up in his eyes and decided that if he actually cried right now, he would backflip off the skywalk.

She shrugged the tiniest bit, "I dunno... kinda looks cool."

They stayed like that until he stopped hyperventilating. Once he'd calmed down, his brain decided to focus on the fact Teqi was still holding him like that angry gust of wind was going to drag him away again.

He smiled.

Piper was going to bully him so badl-

He stopped smiling. Piper. No. He frowned at Teqi. "Did you... did you kick Jason..."

She nodded, and pushed his hair out of his face like he had a fever. He batted her hand off and tried to sit up, black squiggly lines dancing around in the air in front of him. "You... what..."

"He'll be okay. Probably... I mean, Thalia never really flew but that's cause of her whole heights thing, but, like, it makes sense, right?" she said quickly, letting go of him. She frowned. "I mean I'm pretty sure he should be able to. What else is he supposed to do? He isn't Hawkeye!"

Leo stared at her. Great. Now his friends were dead and Teqi was a clinically insane killer.

"I don't think this is the best time to start talking about your shows," Piper said.

Leo whipped around and nearly passed out. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope. His headache exploded and he squinted through the black squiggles. Glass crunched underneath Piper's converse. They had daises on them.

madness and ecstasy // leo valdezWhere stories live. Discover now