-the last supper or something idk-

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omg I got so many comments on the last chapter thx babes

this chapters a mess of pov's but i'm way too exhausted to edit rn so good luck 


Teqi rubbed her face and sat down next to Percy, after nearly being knocked over by a hug from Hazel. He wasn't saying a lot, but he reached for her arm.

She stared at him with her working eye while Leo slipped his mud caked shoes off and started moving the maps and encyclopedias off the dinner table to make room for whatever it was in the kitchen that smelt so good.

He moved past with arms full of loose paper as Teqi looked around, eye growing bright.

"Kitchen," Percy mumbled, fingers drumming on the table.

Piper peaked around the wall, an oven mitt in her hand and a bean in her frizzed-up hair. Jason plucked it out when he walked past the girls in the kitchen and started filling up glasses with tap water. "What are you making?"

"Succotash," Piper said, and pulled a tray of sizzling layers of what looked like oily naan bread out of the oven, sprinkling herbs on them. "...My dad taught me how to make it."

"How's he going?"

"New movie," Piper muttered, and that was that. Leo knew she was calling Tristan more than often now, but he didn't remember that his daughter saved his life. And was now saving the worlds. That had to hurt.

Jason carried cups around and Leo squeezed past Annabeth to find a wet cloth in the sink full of dishes. The blonde was methodically dicing capsicums and red onion, each the exact same size. They had found out the hard way that if Annabeth wasn't concentrating on something she would start thinking about things that made her cry.

Now they subtly passed her around to keep up with her overpowered and frazzled mind. It was Piper's turn.

"How much longer do you think until R-"

The door slammed open, flying on its hinges.

A pipe burst with a sharp bang in the wall next to it that Leo was gonna have to fix and a silver fork embedded itself by Franks shaky hand on the doorknob. He gulped. "Uh... sorry. I slipped."

"All good," Piper said, her voice strained with casualty, and rubbed Annabeth's back. Her hands were over her ears. "Are you hungry? Dinners soon."

"Great, thanks," Frank said, and limped to his seat. In the nicest way possible, his leg looked like a strip of uncooked streaky bacon. Leo hadn't said that to him, though. Instead, he just wiped down the table while Annabeth started a crossword puzzle next to Percy and Piper served up bowls of some vegetarian curry dish made up mainly of beans and vegies, the only snacks they had left.

"Coach on watch?" Leo asked him, taking the seat beside Teqi, who looked like she'd fallen asleep with her eyes open, before Jason could sit down in the chair. He rolled his eyes and flicked Leo in the back of the head with a smile.

Frank nodded, propping his leg up on the spare chair. "Said there would be too many cooties down here."

"Cooties meaning...?" Piper asked. She set down a plate stacked with mouth-watering bread topped with olives, and icepacks for Frank's leg and Hazel's hands. Turns out she'd split them open on all of those cursed ancient rocks Leo may have blown up, and they weren't healing well. Ambrosia and nectar wasn't working as well as it normally did on the injuries they'd sustained in the House of Hades. It was probably something to do with inflicting drawn out deaths and insanity.

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