His daughter cp1

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Imma start of by saying I'm from Sweden so don't come at me for bad grammar, maybe trust the proses?
Words: 1179

"DAD STOP" I scream from the top of my lungs, I watch him as he smashed the head of a young guy. "Y/N stay out of this!" My dad said looking at me, I didn't know what too do I was not loving dad's choice as this group did nothing wrong.

I look at the faces of the people that loved the two he smashed in too a mess of blood, I couldn't help but cry, I didn't want to look anymore, who knows what he'll do next? I sit back in the truck crying in my hands. They didn't deserve this not at all! They did nothing, well at least what I knew.

I heard the back of the truck open and I saw one of the men that was out there getting tosses in the back, I didn't speak for the whole ride not knowing what too say, I saw dad in the corner of my eye that he looked over at me multiple times.

I know I shouldn't be thinking about this but I couldn't stop thinking about the boy that were at the left, he was brave and didn't look scared until his friends died, he was cute and I couldn't stop staring at him. We got eye contact a few times and I tried to make me look better than my dad. But I don't think he cared.

"Y/N get out and go to your room"  my dad said while we stopped, I could help but think about the guy that got in the back of the truck, would dad kill him? Maybe just hold him in a cell? And make him work. I didn't want him to get killed, I didn't want anyone to die, not there people and definitely not ours. I got out of the truck to see my dad holding the guy "dad what are you gonna do to him??" I ask looking worried "I'm not gonna kill him..yet" my dad says while looking at him "don't try anything" he says and takes him inside.

I got too my bedroom just thinking about the boy he didn't deserve this, they didn't deserve this! I couldn't help but feel guilty, I knew I should but I did. It was my fault..if I would have said that there was someone in the woods while we were driving he would know it was them, and then they would die. I felt bad for the guy too, well if he wouldn't punch my dad maybe he would be here. But who knows? I layed down in my bed just wanting this day too be over.

                    _____TIME SKIP_____

Not really much happened the last couple days but I've been trying too talk too the guy, but I always gets dragged away by my dad so I've stopped trying, we'll I got to know that his name was Daryl and that he didn't get why I was trying to talk to him so hard, we'll I didn't want that to happen but he probably didn't care. I needed to do something too stop all this.

I need to do something, I need to get him out of this hell. Maybe I could get the key when everyone was sleeping and get him out. I know the code! I could make it, just tell them that I was on my was to the bath room if anyone catches me! I'll do it, I'll get him out!!

I thought of a plan in my head this is it.

• get up at 3:00 AM, that's when almost everyone is asleep

• then I'll get the key, and get to the cell

• let him out and tell him to go!

Best plan ever yeah I know thank you!

I fell asleep early so I would wake up in time, and I did I woke up exactly 2:59 we'll that was perfect enough. I got up slowly not to make much noise, and I got to the room with keys and important paper and stuff. I put in the code slowly because each number I clicked made a noise. Two-zero-nine-nine I put in slowly.  Not wanting the door to wake anyone up I opened it as slow as I could, it took maybe 30 seconds to me to make it open enough for me to get in.

I got in and tried to find the right key, it took a bit but I got it, I walked out with the key in my hand meeting bob outside "what were you doing in there??" He said looking at the door closing behind me "I just thought I forgot something in there" I said with a voice that no one would believe, well I guess he did "oh ok, you got what you were looking for" he asked "no I guess I put it somewhere else" I said while hiding the key in my hoodie arm, he walked away and I waited for him to turn the corner. When he did I walked forwards too the cell, I got the key up looking around before putting it in the keyhole. I opened the door carefully because it was loud, I saw him sitting on the floor obviously not sleeping.

"What are you doing here??" He asked in a raspy voice, "I'm here to play cards with you" I say sarcastically "no thanks." He said not getting my sarcasm "I'm here to get you out! Cmon!!" I said yell-whispering. "Why" he said just looking at me "you don't wanna get out or something?" I said, he stood up and I waited for him to get out "I'll get you out of the door then you need to make it yourself" I handed him a knife and he took it out of my hand. As we travel trough the cold floor he starts to speak "why are you helping me" he says looking at me "I didn't want that too happen that night ok? I..." I just look down at the floor while we're still walking but slow.

"It's ok, I was kinda my fault" he says "well not all of it?" He just keeps walking focusing on where we were going, and when we finally got to the door I opened it slowly not to make noise once again. He got out looking at me grabbing his knife "oh! Wait here!!" I walked away and after about a minute I come back with his crossbow. "Oh god I'm starting to like you kid" he says grabbing it "well what can I say, I'm a good person" he just looks at me and nodded, he walked away slowly and I closed the door.

I got back safe and sound in my bed and I looked my door, hope my dad won't get too mad.

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