I was all over her.

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This song gives me early 2022 vibes because it was my fav song, I listened to music today and this song came up, it gave me an idea.

                    ~Always carls pov~
Party night like always, it was Sunday and Ron had a party like always, all the adults were on a run or worked late.

"You going to the party? Y/N will be there" Ron said "she will?" Y/N we're almost never at the parties, neither was I. But when she was I was, she were gorgeous, her eyes, and smile. Her body was amazing to.
She looked so happy and like she had her life together. But she were depressed, her anxiety didn't help. Her lungs were destroyed by the amount of cigarettes she smoked. But god was she perfect, if only I could make her life better I would.

"I'll be there" I said "god you're in love" Ron said as we walked "she's perfect" I said as I walked in to my house "well god luck, see you soon" he said walking away. I closed the door behind me. There was never to many people at the parties and that were good, I always got stressed if there was to loud taking or not enough space.

I put on some new clothes, nothing fancy. It was dark, and the party had begun. I was on my way to Ron's house when I saw her walking outside with a cig pack in her right hand, she had a baggy t-shirt and baggy jeans on. Her long curly hair in a bun (if you don't have curly hair then imagine smt else)

I stood there watching her as she sat down on the concrete, it was cold outside, but not to cold. A grate combo between warm and cold. She lights the cigarette and looks at me, I couldn't look away. She sat with her knees up in her face and her arms around them, she looked at me whit a small smile, her head resting on her knees.
She blew out the smoke and I snapped out of it, she was still looking at me tho.
I walked up to her.
"You want one?" She said with a soft voice.
"No..is Ron inside?" I said shy
"He's fucking some chick" she said giggling
She was so cute. "Thanks" I said laughing a bit.
I looked back at her to see her laying down. She was something special. She was amazing.
More than I could ever imagine, I've never thought of fucking her. Just to be the one she called hers made me melt.

I sat down on the steps to Ron's house as I heard the door open behind me, the loud music got louder and then quitter again as the door closed.
"Have you talked to her?" Ron said as he sat down next to me.
"I asked her about you and she said you were fucking   Some chick" I said laughing.
"Yeah uhm..let's not talk about that" he laughed
"She giggled, I haven't seen that smile in a while.." I said.
"Yeah it's hard for her rn"
"Hm?" I said confused
"You know that girl that died like a week ago? Blond"
He said. "Yeah?" I looked at her.
"It was her sister" he said. "Oh...I-"
"Try to talk to her?" He said getting up. He walked inside again as I walked up to her. I laid down next to her. "Hi" she said. "Hey"  I looked up and I felt her head turn to me. "How does it feel only having one eye?" She asked. "I-I uhm..." I didn't know what to say.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You're really pretty, I hope you're not insecure about it..." she said, I turned my head and looked at her.
"It's ok...I'm not, you're beautiful too" I said
She smiled, that gorgeous smile.
"This is so stupid" she said
"What is?"
"Everything, I just wanna live a normal life, this is not fair. I just.." she looked up at the sky again.
"I get it"

I took her hand and she held mine. Nothing more. Just that, and my life was already a hundred times better.

I love this one😭 I listened to the song on repeat while writing it. No smut, just Carl admiring the girl of his dreams. <3

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