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Another sigh escaped Choi Soobin

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Another sigh escaped Choi Soobin. It bothered him that nothing else was heard at the university but the subject of the kissing scandal. Two boys who had kissed at a birthday party attended by many.

Why did a mountain have to be made out of a molehill?

Because of two kissing boys?

Homosexuality was not so common in South Korea, yet it was not completely forbidden, except by the military. Still, there were enough who had already come out.

For Soobin, this conundrum was moot. He believed that you couldn't tell someone who to love anyway. One should not forbid anyone to love. So he tried to avoid this topic, because he had other worries than the sexuality of two strange boys. Ever since Soobin had told Byulyi at the party that he liked her, he hadn't laid eyes on her. It was almost as if she had disappeared without a trace or as if she was hiding from him.

Was she embarrassed?

He wondered how she would behave toward him if they met again.

Would she treat him differently?

Had he destroyed their friendship with this confession?

After all, it felt that way.

For the moment, Soobin was on his own, and that was good, because he needed his rest today. Especially from prying questions, which is why the good-looking student strode to the vending machine to get a coffee. He hoped that the warm drink would calm his mind a bit. Armed with the coffee cup, he stood in the entrance area. Since his lecture finished early, he had no choice but to wait for his friends. But even as Soobin looked around to see if any of his friends had finished their lectures early - Taehyun was often one of them - he spotted Byulyi walking towards him. She seemed a bit out of sorts and stopped right in front of Soobin, looking up at him. Completely out of breath, she stood there and looked as if she had run a marathon. In which she had won.

Soobin automatically got his hopes up that this condition might have something to do with him. That maybe she had thought it over and had given more thought to what he had said to her at the party.

But Soobin had hoped for too much with that, because instead Byulyi asked, "Do you happen to know who that is in the picture of ImHorizon?"

Immediately his expression dropped and he was not only confused but also disappointed by this question. She was not interested in him, but merely in this scandal. Actually, he had hoped she would bring up the confession so he would at least know where he stood with her.

So that he didn't have to grope in the dark all the time.

Was she really serious?

Soobin didn't know how to respond to that.

"What?" he asked instead, irritated.

Byulyi opened her mouth, wanting to say something in reply, thinking at first that her counterpart had not understood her correctly. But then she remembered the conversation, which she had completely and successfully suppressed, and lowered her gaze. All of a sudden she felt completely uncomfortable standing in front of Soobin and her question about the scandal picture felt really wrong. She should have thought beforehand instead of asking him directly about it.

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