Chapter 2: They Didn't See, Right?

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Morgan Sinclair

After putting on a hoodie and a pair of jeans, I wrote a check for $10,000 and gave it to Victoria, figured that would cover the cost of the fucked up shower wall and then some. She said she didn't want it but I put it on her dresser anyway and walked out.

They all agreed to meet at one of Victoria's apartments after she dragged me away to wash off and calm down. I am calm. Less calm and more numb. I'd celebrate being back to business as usual but I'm not. This empty numb feeling is worse somehow. Heavier.

"Just in case, we'll use burner phones to contact one another." Chloe states as I finally zone back into the conversation. I don't even remember coming in here. "And if we have to meet in person, if something that big came up-."

"We can meet in my city." I say, not entirely hearing myself with my arms crossed as I stare at a point on the floor ahead of me.

"Why would we meet in your city?" Chloe asks, the rancor lacing her tone was not difficult to miss. "We can just meet at Zades."

"That's a known bleeder bar, constant crowds. We had the cover of Ascension as a reason for us all to be together but without it, it's suspicious." I explain.

"And going to yours would be better?"

"It's in the middle of Victoria and Grayson, and my servants and guards won't run their mouths." I note still with my stare on the floor.

"How can you be sure they won't?" Chloe questions.

"Because they know I'll find out one way or another and I'll kill them." I say finally blinking and looking to Chloe. "They value their lives more than a little gossip."

"No." She snaps.

I blink trying to reach for myself, attach back inside my body. "You don't have to like me but you can trust me."

"Well I don't."

"I thought I was your best friend." I snark- there we go. Something other than this mindless zombie behavior.

Her stare darts over my face and a single hint of sorrow shines through her eyes for maybe a split second. "Not for a while."

"Alright guys." Grayson cuts in. "We're on the same side."

Chloe angles her head, "Are we? You're his favorite. His golden child and suddenly you're all for killing him?"

"He just murdered my family in front of me." I retort. The reality of that sentence strikes me hard but I allow none of it to show. "He's as good as dead in my eyes." Everyone pauses and silence falls on the room, even Chloe's glare falters.

"They're your family now?" Chloe starts, swallowing that concerned look that threatened to remain too long for her liking. "I thought they were just babysitters to you."

Suddenly I'm in her face, barely a foot away. "Say another word about them Chloe." I seethe letting my eyes shift colors. "I dare you." Her eyes shift as well, turning their deep crimson.

"Alright!" Victoria shouts, stepping in between us and shoving us back. "Enough. Both of you. We are on the same side."

Chloe scoffs. "I'll believe it when I see her drive that knife into his heart."

"I promise I won't disappoint." I say stepping away towards the small bar cart against the far wall of the living room. I reach for the whiskey decanter when I see the marking on the palm of my hand. Fuck, it's Monday. They didn't see, right? I look over my shoulder, calmly pouring myself a drink. If they saw they would've mentioned it. I look down at both hands, at the beginning of these scars. I follow their trail up my arms with my eyes as if I could see them clear through the sleeve of my hoodie and picturing the large third one down the center of my spine.  They would've asked. It's fine. I just have to get out of here and find a witch before they do actually see.

I pull the sleeves down a little more so they're fully covering the scars on my palms. I run my hand over my hair ensuring the back of my neck is covered. I've never been more thankful I'm wearing long sleeves. I down my drink, noticing my ever so slightly shaky hand. I have to go. They'll see.

I put the empty glass back on the bar cart when a hand touches my shoulder. I jump, whipping around to Victoria standing behind me, "We've been calling you. Are you okay?" She looks me up and down and I become increasingly uneasy under her scrutiny.

"Victoria said you told her that you have some things you have to tell us." Grayson comments looking me over carefully. Did I? I mean I do but I don't remember telling her that.

"I have to go." I mumbled.

"What?" Victoria asks as I walk around her towards the door.

"You can't just leave." Chloe calls out.

"I'm not- I'm just, I'll be right back." I rush out of there, taking out my phone to find any witch around here. They can't see.

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