Chapter 47: Regards Received

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Chloe Whitlock

Morgan entered my room bright an early in the day. "We gotta go speak to some people." She told me right as Scarlett popped up right behind her. We were out on the road by 11am, the sun was beating down on us so the car ride was uncomfortably hot and the AC did little to help.

We were on some busy street in Chicago going to meet a man named Dante. She and Scarlett both informed me that he is the head of some prolific gang. "I made allies with a lot of gang leaders, mobs, high up politicians, police, whoever is in positions of power."

Scarlett adds from the backseat, "She frightened them."

"It's an exchange of services. Or money."

I lifted a brow, "Do I even want to ask what services?"

Morgan gives a one shoulder shrug as she stops at the red light. "You'd be surprised- or maybe not that surprised how many people, those involved in organized crime, politics, and even the police want dead." Meals handed to them. "Off chance someones not quick enough to clean up a mess and a human calls the police or films something. They cover it up, lie, get rid of evidence, whatever needs to be done."

Scarlett grabs onto Morgan and I's respective front seats and leans forward, excitement shows on every line of her face. "Sometimes the humans even want clean up help from us. Or we can get things for them that they can't and vice versa."

"All of it comes at a price."

I ask, "They don't go off and tell people about vampires and all of this?"

"I make it so they can't." Morgans lips curve. "If they tried, they'd find themselves forgetting whatever they were about to say. They can however say that they know people who can get things done. That's how we make more connections and I'll determine if I want to work with them." Then she adds. "I have a few morals. Don't worry Chloe."

We pulled up to the gates of a massive home with several expensive looking cars parked outside. The men stationed at the gates strolled over to the window as Morgan cracked it with their hands on the pistols they have tucked in the back of their pants. "Window down." The taller one of the two demanded. Both of them fully prepared to shoot everyone in this car.

Morgan says quickly. "No. Inform Dante that Morgan Sinclair is here."

The two of them stiffened, a crack in the facade they were putting on. Their hardened stares dropped instantly doing what she said and a few moments later the gate began to open. The one who demanded to lower the window waved with a hesitant and frightened look on his face as he yelled out sorry. Scarlett started laughing with a clap of her hands. "I love when that happens."

"So everyone in this gang knows what you are?"

Morgan shakes her head. "No. They know I do a lot for them and they know their leader is afraid of me- that's what really counts." She explains as the grand garage opens to a few men motioning for her to park her car there, stepping out of the way.

Inside the house, we're led by a very tall man dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I'm confused about the dress code because it ranged from that to a well put together suit. The other people around dressed in a wide variety of either casual or formal outfits cast glances our way but don't give us much of a reaction. "Morgan! Scarlett!" A mans voice echos through the cavernous dining room. He stood from where he sat at the head of the table, set for lunch. There's a few half dressed women around along with more confusingly dressed men.

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