Chapter 11: We're Even

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Victoria Brooks- Finley

After nearing two months of radio silence Grayson finally contacted through our burner phones and vaguely said there was supposedly a lead on Celestials and in turn Lucien's dagger. I had made the point that I don't think Lucien is tech savvy enough to track us through our phones but just to be safe we used burner phones. We decided to meet up at Morgan's palace. Morgan told Chloe she'd send Scarlett to come get her at the border because she said her managing to sneak into her territory and make it all the way to her palace without being noticed would not happen.

I made the decision to bring Pierce in on it. He has never been more thrilled to be involved in a plan, nearly jumping with joy at the prospect of Lucien finally dying. He was concerned about what could happen should Lucien or Kendrick get word of it but aside from that he's supportive. Through my check ins with Chloe, I told her that I'd brought him in and her disappointed face could be seen through the phone. Aside from her sigh heard across states she's been relatively okay; looking forward to the prospect of killing Lucien and Kendrick, and looking forward to her periodic hang outs with Sterling.

Pierce and I have tried reaching out to Morgan and we have gotten nothing in return. The only thing I hear through the grapevine is about her is how vicious she's being with hunters and occasional spies sent from Kendrick. More cruel than usual. I even texted her nobles Scarlett, Val, and Logan on the side asking if any of them knew how she was from a first hand source and they all said variations of 'angry.'

Pierce and I walk through her palace passing each grand room with black and silver accents scattered throughout the light grey stone. We were greeted by a few servants who I noticed would occasionally give each other worrying looks. I didn't understand why until Ryker- her head guard saw us walking through the throne room and said that now might not be the best time to visit. "Why?"

"She's interrogating a spy right now." He widens his eyes. "We all just stay away during that."

"Lead the way." I say and he swallows but ultimately does as I said. Pierce and I follow him down into the cells, ceilings significantly shorter than those upstairs, and no fancy accents. Only dark stone, faintly lit wall sconces, and the heavy smell of old and fresh blood along with the ear piercing cries and pained breathing.

Kendrick has been dancing around outright attacks. He's really only been sending spies to try and find weak points in defenses, where and how to enter. A war between Fallen hasn't happened in centuries and back then fights were easy. Just fight, wherever and whenever. Now with technology it's much more difficult to go into outright battle unless it's in our cities. Remaining a secret from human society is still a priority thankfully, so the spies and the minor attacks are all that can happen for right now.

"It's not pretty." He says looking over his shoulder.

"I'd expect nothing less." I say with a shrug. He nods and motions his hand to the door of the room she's in right now.

"I already said I don't know! I didn't see!" The man sobs behind the door.

"You didn't see?" I hear Morgan's chilling voice. As I open the heavy metal door I walk in on Morgan jamming her thumbs into the man's eyes while he hangs from his wrists in chains. "You didn't fucking see!?" She shouts over his screeching. "I said I didn't want to be interrupted." She removes her thumbs from his eye sockets and turns to face us, panting, sweaty, and covered in both dried and fresh blood. "Oh." She says at our presence, her displeased look instantly replaced with no distinct expression.

"Please. Please just kill me." The man whimpers. I take a quick glance at him and around the room. Bloodied and visibly starved. All of his fingers except his thumbs have been removed and are scattered throughout the room- that'll take days to regenerate in his state but I don't think he's living that long. "Please!" He begs.

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