Chapter 20: The Ring

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Chloe Whitlock

I don't know why I got into the car with her. She assured me we weren't going anywhere public but I still have my reservations. I asked her where we're going and she responded with "a house," again. I asked for further elaboration and she said, "This is already hard let me just get there, oh my God." Then returned to white knuckling the steering wheel in painful silence.

I spent the rest of the two hour car ride texting with Sterling. She's just as skeptical and confused about whatever it is Morgan's doing. I'm glad I had her to fill the silence and put me at ease with conversation effortlessly flowing.

By the time we arrived at some little beach house in Benton Harbor, Sterling and I had just finished up a conversation about the next time we'll see each other. Over the last two months we saw each other three times, two out of the three times I went to her and the last time she went to me. I've never been this relaxed when it comes to relationships, normally I'm an anxious wreck but with her I'm not. Before her my life consisted of bloodshed, isolation, and planning to kill Kendrick and Lucien- it was dreary and dark. Then she came along as this bright flare and I want to go towards it but I'm hesitant. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I run towards it and cling on then I'll have it ripped away from me in one way or another and I don't think I could handle that. All I've known for the past 19 years is rock bottom but I fear that if I try hard enough I can go deeper.

And I'm afraid of becoming dependent on her. I have to be careful toeing the line between that and just simply enjoying the relationship. Dependent on her as an anchor for control and dependent on her keeping me here. That's too much to put on a person and she was right when she said that I have to be the person I depend on when it comes to control. I don't know how to self regulate but I'm going to have to look into it. I want to continue with whatever it is we have and not only saying that but meaning it is so insane to me. I'm actually having fun with her and look forward to the time we spend together.

As Morgan turns off the car and we exit I say, "You brought me to the beach and the suns about to come up."

She holds her hand out, presenting the house to me. "We'll be in the house."

"I'm supposed to spend the whole day with you?" I question, following her up the small path to the front door while I quickly text to inform Sterling that Morgan's brought me to a beach house.

She scoffs and unlocks the door. "My car has tempered glass, we can make a run for it."

I put my phone in my back pocket and follow her into the small but spacious house, turning on every light as she moves further into the dark house. Open concept and decorated perfectly for being a beach house with water and nautical decorations scattered throughout. It's bright and homey which makes me think that Morgan had no part in decorating. While hanging out with Bash and Reid they talked about Morgan's many houses and penthouse apartments, all with a modern minimalist feel. This house is something that would be seen in a cozy rom com movie.

"In here." Morgan calls out from past the open archway into a separate area. I enter through the archway into a bright room with a huge bay window facing the water. The other three walls consist of floor to ceiling bookshelves with tons of books. Some I recognize as books I know Morgan has read- remembering several of her excited rants about characters and couples and plots in them.

I walk up to the books shelves scanning them. "This is your house?"

"No I just broke in." She replies sarcastically.

I shoot her a glare over my shoulder as I wander around the room going over to the bay window. The view of the water has to be beautiful in the daytime. With the two classic wooden beach chairs dead center on the patio and the water in back of them, it creates a truly picturesque scene. I look down at the sill of the bay window at the cushions and pillows perfect for a cute little sitting area then it catches my eye. Sitting in the middle of the cushions, the silver shining from the light in the center of the room. Memories flood my mind and my heart clenches in my chest as I reach for it.

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