Chapter 34: Shattered

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Morgan Sinclair

Aurelia left as soon as the sun went down with Reid and Bash leaving shortly after. Sterling told them what they would be doing, they happily agreed to being the distractions getting to be completely plastered for a few days while we sneak the sword out once they give us the go ahead.

As I pace around in my room overthinking my entire existence up until this point a knock at the door yanks me from my internal spiral. "Come in." I say. The door opens up, red hair peeking in- Scarlett.

She steps into the room with a quick wave. "Two things I have to report." She holds up two fingers and bounces ever so slightly. "One, Bash and I made it official."

"I thought you two already had sex?"

"We did, not that kind of official I mean like... boyfriend girlfriend." She looks down at the ground pursing her lips as her cheeks turn a bright red. "I asked him like while you're overseas are you going to maybe sleep with other people like are we both sleeping with other people?" She rambles, "I had no plans to but if he is then you know, maybe I will but whatever. This man looks me in the eyes and goes 'I have waited 15 years for you I will not do anything to squander this." She finishes that sentence as a huge smile forms on her face and screams silently into her hand. She's very happy, I can feel it through the bond so it's substantial.

"Good, if he does something you don't like let me know I'll make sure he regrets it."

She grins ear to ear. "You're so cute." After taking a few centering breaths her faces becomes more neutral but the flushed cheeks remain. "The second thing is that I'm going to fly to Chicago and help with Victoria's people arriving at your palace."

"Can't Val or Logan do it?"

"Val is dealing with hunters at the moment and I sent Logan to my house to deal with the few lycan packs who decided now was the perfect time to attack over fucking land." She rolls her eyes. Some lycan packs and a few covens refused to agree to any sort of peace with vampires resulting in ongoing conflicts and annoyances.

"The same ones?"


I exhale, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as Scarlett walks over to the dresser in front of me leaning against it. "When are you flying back?"

"In two hours I'm gonna leave soon."

"Okay, just be extra careful. I know Lucien isn't killing anyone right now but I wouldn't put it past him to do something to you, Val, or Logan." That thought struck such an anger in me.

"I will be." She responds. "Extra careful and no talking about any of this." She salutes me. As she brings her hand down her eyes scan over my body quickly then she asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" I answer rapidly.

"You just seem..." Her eyes do another once over of me. "I don't know. Never mind, I'll see you soon." She steps away heading towards the door.

"Wait, Scar actually..." She turns around walking back over to where she was standing leaning against the dresser. I swallow before I ask, "What do you think of me?"

Her eyebrows pull together at my question. "What?"

"As a person what do you think of me? No- you're my sire bullshit, just honesty." She remains silent with a creased brow. "Brutal honesty."

Her eyes dart between my own while she thinks for a few moments. "Cold." She blurts. "You're very cold, you look at people like they're nothing. Empathy and sympathy are nearly foreign to you- but you have moments. You're violent and scary, you enter a room and I swear I can hear everyone's heart skip a beat. You're strong, and smart, and powerful as all hell. You're a great leader-."

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