Chapter 50: 3 Days

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Chloe Whitlock

Scarlett, Val, Logan, Grayson, and two of Grayson's nobles Raf and Kristina sat at the bar Greg normally works at but since he's choosing to fight, Morgan told him to go home and rest up before anything. Drinking as they talk and laugh. "Morgan, hey!" Logan shouted. Val and Scarlett's attention shot to her, immediate smiles plastered on their faces at Morgan's presence. Grayson meanwhile had a more subdued curve to his lips but the look in his eyes as he took her in reminded me of Sterling looking at me.

They greeted me as well wondering what's up, slightly befuddled at how close Morgan and I were standing next to each other- not glaring or bickering. Morgan walked around and grabbed two bottles of champagne, handing me one she says to them, "We came to drink for a little. Bury the hatchet." She jerks her head in my direction. "I'm off her shit list."

"She's on probation." I clarify, popping the bottle of champagne careful so it doesn't spray everywhere. Morgan rolls her eyes.

Grayson's grin is nothing short of bright and genuine. "Well join us."

The abysmal topic of conversation of our possible impending deaths can be put off for the time being. Morgan a short while into chatting had to leave to go speak with some lycan packs and Grayson stood up, silently going with her. He couldn't have caught it with his back turned as he got up from his seat but seeing him instantly want to go with her brought this twitch to her lips that resembled something human. Something light.

Val and Logan along with Kristina and Raf left right after to handle a few things so it was only Scarlett and I. She was staring at me as she sipped the vodka cran she made for herself, her lips pursed more than needed. "Yes, Scarlett?"

She smiles widely. "Don't tell her I said anything but I felt happiness, or Morgan's version of a weird warped happiness from her."

"Through your bond?"

She nods. "Years I didn't feel anything from her except occasional anger but lately..." she squeals with joy and I laugh but my chest warms at Scarlett's second hand happiness for Morgan's. As much as Morgan has kept a distance because that's what she was hard wired to do, it didn't faze Scarlett in the slightest. Nor does it seem to with Logan or Val. 

"You really do love her."

"She's my family." She shrugs with a subdued smile as she sips her drink. "Her, Val, and Logan. I have a family because of her." 

The peace, the atmosphere of calm and happy ends when I hear Sterling. "Chloe!" Her voice rang through the palace but the fear and despair in her tone had me on my feet and at alert. 

I sprinted towards it with Scarlett just behind me. I found her in the throne room, her hands and clothes stained with blood and the look in her eyes had me stopped in my tracks. Glassy and swirling with a cacophony of emotions all the while they were shifted their black and red. My stare moved next to her to where Kellan stood with a downcast expression, next to him however there was Bash lowering Reid down to the floor. His body was limp and lifeless, blood drenching his whole torso. "Chloe." Her voice cracking as she whispers.

"Bash?" Scarlett asks. Bash's bloodshot eyes flicked up to her, crushed and hollow. 

"He's gone." he croaks, falling back on his knees as he begins sobbing. 

Finding Sterling's eyes once again she confirms it with a quivering lip and a nod. I run to her taking her in my arms and I don't hear her crying but she trembles and tightens her arms around me. "I'm so sorry." My restless stare goes all over, trying to work out how he could have possibly died. 

With Ryker leading the way, Morgan and Grayson stepped through the doors of the throne room. Morgan halted and her eyes slide down to Reid's body then meeting mine as I hugged Sterling. With a subtle shake of my head, she exhales understanding that he is dead. "How?"

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