Chapter 46: Setting Up

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Morgan Sinclair

Azrael wants a fight and he wants a good fight. Zade confirmed it. After Victoria's rage fueled torment he spilled the rest of everything he knew. Azrael was raised from his tomb about a hundred years ago by loyal followers of his who never gave up hope that he was still alive. Though for a while Zade genuinely wasn't aware of his extracurricular activities just excited to have his brother back. He came to find out about 50 years ago. But more importantly, for a hundred years at the very least Mila knew about him walking around alive. I'm just questioning what other Fallen knew- if they knew.

According to Zade, he was the one convincing him to let Kendrick and Lucien destroy themselves and their own people to avoid what Azrael always wanted- the glory and fun of killing all of us himself in a complete bloodbath. Us, discovering his empty tomb and getting Lucien and Kendricks dagger destroyed all of Zade's work, sending Azrael into go-mode. No longer sticking to the "easier" route of waiting for the vampires on this continent to ruin themselves. He could easily take out who remained after said ruin then reveal the existence of the preternatural which would take care of those overseas- inspiring fear, hatred, birthing new hunters, while shoehorns himself into the title of king because he's the world's "savior."

Now, that plans done, he wants bloodshed. For a while he's been setting up this battle. A little after we ran off with Lucien's dagger Azrael started meeting with him. He said he was meeting with others prior but didn't know who. He got Lucien to stop using that crystal against me because Azrael 'wants me at my best.' What I don't know is why Lucien would agree to that. What did he offer him? Or what does he have over him? I guess Azrael told him nothing about his continual turning of new vampires. Was that Lucien wanting to build an army against us or was it Azrael's request since he craves this fight? Why would Lucien form an alliance with Azrael of all people?

Satisfied with the information learned, Victoria tore off Zade's head and put it in a box. There was a bleeder huddled in a closet upstairs, she made him to wait there to present the box to Azrael or "Jareth" when he comes back and tell him that "Victoria sends her regards."

We exited the building and thankfully storm clouds had rolled in so the sun wasn't so much burning us but was severely hot. With Pierce in the morgue Victoria has in her city she told us to drive to the airport and that she will handle arrangements for Pierce after we kill Azrael. Then she returned to staring expressionless out the window. I believe she put him in the morgue she has in her city. We flew back to mine and the second we crossed the barrier I felt relief being back here. It was short lived knowing what's to come but it was nice being home.

Ryker, my head of security and the guards greeted us at the back of my palace, "Scarlett, Val, and Logan are with Greg." He said, his towering 6'7" frame made the back door we were about to enter look incredibly small.

"Of course they are. Give me a few minutes I want to talk to you. I'll meet you at your post."

He nodded at me as we entered. I led the way towards Gregs main bar down the hall from my ballroom. My three nobles sat doing shots with Greg, Logan immediately gagging at the taste. He despises the taste alcohol but Scarlett and Val enjoy peer pressuring him into taking shots with them anyway. "Impending death and you're all doing shots."

"Like you're not going to do the same thing." Val snarks, wiping a napkin over the few strands of her pitch black hair soaked with her drink. As I walk up to them I note Val and Logan's eyes going straight to my marks that are now on full display from the short sleeve shirt I'm wearing.

"Are you joining us? Please?" Logan pleads. "I need someone to take my spot." As he speaks Victoria keeps walking past everyone, heading elsewhere.

"I'll go." Chloe mutters nodding her head in Victorias direction and going after her.

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