Chapter 19: Friendly People

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Victoria Brooks- Finley

Over the last 15 years while Morgan's been in charge I can count the number of times I've been inside her palace or her city in general on one hand. Majority of the time we're in mine or Lucien's. The two major times I was here was her coronation and about two years later when the first Celestial on this side of the world showed themselves to us. A few Celestials had made appearances overseas already but here they were still hidden. While Lucien was visiting her there was a hunter attack lead by a High Celestial, a rare one that happened to have an ability- fire. From his powers and his raw strength and speed it took both Lucien and Morgan at once to take him down.

I had come once Morgan informed me, walking in on their interrogation that gave us nothing. A decent number of Morgan's people died from that attack so she was particularly excited to rip off his head. That was the first of many times I saw Morgan do that to a person.

Pierce and I made our way to one of her many bars. On top of structural similarities both of our palaces share a vast number of places to access alcohol. Pierce pours us each a glass of bourbon then makes his way to sit next to me on this couch in front of the unlit fireplace. "How is she going to do this?" He asks, draping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me close.

"No idea." I sigh then rest my head on his shoulder. We sit in each others company silently drinking our drinks surely contemplating the logistics of Morgan locating Lucien's dagger.

"Hey Vic, hey Finley." Scarlett calls out breaking the silence entering the room.

"Hey Campbell." Pierce responds with Scarletts last name back.

I sit up positioning myself so I could see her better and so does Pierce. "Drinking as well?" I question as she makes a beeline to the bar.

"Quick one before I go." She answers pouring herself a drink.

"Back to Michigan?" Pierce asks.

"Yep. I have shit to deal with and Morgan refuses to tell me whatever it is you people are doing." She says waggling her hand in our direction.

Pierce casts me a glance, "She'd tell you if she could." He says.

She sets her glass down after taking a big swig. "I know, I'm excited for when she does because this group of people working together? It's gotta be good."

Oh she has no idea. "Where is your sire? She isn't responding my texts."

"She took Chloe somewhere." She says quickly.

Pierce and I stare at each other with a similar sigh and roll of our eyes. "Oh God, where?" I ask.

She shrugs. "You'll have to ask her that."

I rub my temple wondering where on earth Morgan would have taken Chloe and if they've torn each other apart yet. For the next couple of minutes Pierce, Scarlett, and I chat about random things. "If everything works out, he'll be visiting next week." Scarlett blushes as she responds to Pierce's question about when her and Bash were seeing each other again.

"I thought I heard voices." Kellan enters, immediately sucking the air out of the room and stopping all conversation. "Gathering without me?"

"Yes. We were discussing our degenerate activities so nothing you'd like." I snark.

He scoffs at me and makes his way to the bar. As he nears Scarlett since she's sitting on a barstool both Pierce and I tense, immediately sitting up straight ready to go at him if he tries anything with her. Morgan doesn't give a shit about really anything except her nobles. It's a weird emotionally detached sort of care but she does, it's just hard to see if you don't look closely. If anything were to happen to any of them she'd make hell seem like fun vacation in comparison to what she'd do to the pour soul who harmed any of her three nobles. I'm not about to let her lose another person she cares about and neither is Pierce.

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