Chapter 13: They're What?

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Victoria Brooks- Finley

Their looks range anywhere from anger to shock or a combination of both. "They're what?" Grayson asks.

Pierce stares down at me through a flattened brow. I look out to everyone in the room as I say, "They're Celestials. Jareth is just a Celestial and Zade is a Celestial Witch."

Kellans angered stare catches my attention. "And you didn't tell us? Tell anyone clearly since even your husband looks shocked."

"They asked me not to."

"And you just obeyed?" Kellan pushes.

I stand up from my chair and walk to the side of the room so I can clearly see everyone. Morgan and Grayson both hold their eyes on Kellan while Chloe and Pierce share a similar stare of disbelief. "They're not apart of anything. When all this shit came out years ago I went to them and made sure they had no involvement."

"And you just believed them?" Kellan keeps his temper lingering at the surface.

Morgan eyes him like if he opens his mouth one more time she'll rip out his tongue, all she needs is one more thing that even slightly annoys her and she'll lunge. "What I'm hearing," Chloe starts, I think also noticing the impending bloodbath Morgan is imagining, "is that they'll help. They're friends of yours so maybe they can track Lucien's dagger."

"I've asked if they could before." I admit. I have, maybe a year after I found out what Zade was, I asked out of curiosity and a desire to end my father's life. "Zade tried but he said there's spells upon spells blocking any sort of tracking that even he couldn't get through."

"We'll ask them to try again." Morgan says in a weirdly gentle voice. A tone that should be calming but it only raised alarm. She's a fairly unreadable person, she's been trained that way to remain stone faced and emotionless but I've learned tells over the years. Little things that can help give me some hint as to what she's thinking but right this second there's nothing. "I'd like to also ask them some questions about Celestials in general."

"Questions like what?" Chloe asks. I'd like to know too.

Morgan shrugs. "I have some ideas. Kind of." She vaguely says. "I wanna know if they're worth anything."

"Okay." Chloe says skeptically. "So we'll go right now. Get it done."

"I'm not bringing all of you." I say snapping out of my trance of deciphering Morgan and what her ideas could possibly be. "I can't. That'd be beyond suspicious."

Morgan pushes off leaning on the desk. "You and I will go."

"Okay-," I say.

"No." Chloe says over her while Kellan shakes his head.

Morgan runs her hand over her face. "Can you trust me for 10 seconds? 10 fucking seconds Chloe?"

A muscle feathers in Chloe's jaw and just as she's about to speak, surely to set off a bickering match I cut it off. "Morgan and I will go. That's the only pairing aside from Pierce and I that wouldn't raise questions walking around New York right now. You and you," I point to Chloe and Kellan, "are on the opposing side. And him," I point to Grayson, "just no. Morgan and I will go end of story. I'll get my jet ready now. We'll be back as soon as possible." I storm out of the room with Pierce following behind.

Out in the hall with everyone slowly funneling out of the office surely going to the rooms Morgan had made for them. Pierce takes my hand. "When did you find out about them?"

I sigh. "About 80 years ago." Zade opened the bar around 90 years ago and after 10 years of frequenting it he finally told me. Pierce's eyes widen softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you I-,"

"It's not your secret to tell. I get it." He says. "Hopefully they can track the dagger down and everything works out."

"I admire your optimism." He smiles at me and I go on my toes to reach his lips, planting a quick kiss on them.

He nods at me. "Be safe."

"Always." I say walking off as I take my phone out to call for my jet.

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