Chapter 33: Starting Conversations

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Morgan Sinclair

Sterling comes into the room shortly, adjusting her sleeves right after she shuts the door. "You both wanted to speak to me?" She questions while I go and sit down on the bed with Victoria standing, leaning against the dresser at the front of the room.

Victoria holds her hand out to me motioning for me to speak. "I have an idea." I say and Sterling drops her head down, shaking it.

"Wonderful. Your ideas are always brilliant."

"Thank you." I snark. I go on to explain yet another one of my half-cocked ideas. The sword of Azrael is an incredibly important artifact for the Celestials and if the line to Travis Reyes is still active we can make it known that we have the sword- I don't think that that's something the Celestials would pass up or send lowly random hunters for it.

"It's not terrible." Sterling states.

I quirk and eyebrow pleasantly surprised by her response. "I'm shocked. I thought for sure you would have punched me again."

She narrows her eyes at me. "This plan isn't idiotic, nor does it put anyone in direct harm. If the sword is as important to them as you say then using it to bring some of them out of hiding could help. When it comes to the celestials I'm at a loss, I don't know how to draw them out and I want them dead. What we've been doing hasn't done much so we might as well try this. It's a safe amount of drastic." She adds.

"Can you get us into your brothers palace though?" Victoria asks.

"Of course." Sterling answers. "If Ben is in the palace, security is lax you could get away with murder there. If he's not then his nobles are insane when it comes to watching over the place. I can send Reid and Bash there and they'll tell us when he's in." I crease my eyebrow for a moment, wondering why she can't go and why we can't just go now. "I don't visit him unless I've been sent there by our mother and somethings wrong." She informs reading my slight facial expression. "Reid and Bash always visit because they all party together- you'd be surprised the amount of drugs Ben has in his palace. Won't party at Ascension or anything else but in his home..." She quickly rolls her eyes. "Once they're there and they confirm he's in we'll fly over and while they're distracting him for extra measure we'll sneak into the crypts then."


The rest of the day and night I spent alone in the bedroom I'm staying in with an unfortunate stream of thoughts in my head- those of Grayson Spencer and what Victoria said. If I'm not thinking of one, I'm thinking of the other. Scarlett told me once she woke up at dusk about what's happening in Victoria's palace. How Lucien's surprisingly not killing any of her people, instead seems to only be taking all his frustrations out on Grayson. I know how much harm he can do to a person when he's pissed off and he's so far beyond that, I fear for what Grayson may be going through.

About an hour before the sun is set to rise I groan as I flop out of bed, stretching and taking a deep breath. I make my way outside to the houses backyard. I don't know how Kellan finds these places, or why all of his friends are so willing to just give up houses for him- no questions asked. The huge house doesn't have tempered glass windows but the curtains block out the sun completely. It has 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, located in the middle of a bunch of woods so it's isolated. The interior is my taste when it comes to decor- modern minimalist despite the exterior giving the impression to expect a more rustic feel.

A small unlit firepit sits in the center of four wicker patio chairs. I take a seat on the one facing the darkened tree line in the back of the house.

Sleep failed to come to me and with the way my mind is turning I don't think it has any intention to. I had made Victoria give up on me. I know that's what I wanted and I know I had accomplished it with the way she would look at me in the cell but hearing it... God, she hated me. Normally I don't care about whether or not people hate me, I actually encourage it but this time- with her it has that phantom pain crawling outwards from my neck.

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