Chapter 21: Something Drastic

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Morgan Sinclair

I tried to read the book I grabbed, reaching for some way to distract myself from the crawling but I couldn't focus. I ended up using the rest of the day to think since Chloe and I decided to wait to leave when the sun at least started to go down. We sat on opposite sides of the house- her in the kitchen and me in the living room in almost complete quiet aside from her initial, "Thanks for this."

The tempered glass makes it possible for us to travel during the day but if the suns blaring down on us the car will feel extremely hot. Normally I wouldn't be opposed to sitting in the discomfort but not with Chloe right next to me.

The car ride was still annoyingly hot but it was tolerable, on top of that it was silent. Although this silence was less uncomfortable than the ride there. By the time we got back to the city the sky was almost completely dark.

Chloe headed back to her room offering a small non hostile smile before walking off. I think I've finally gotten her to trust me when it comes to being willing to do anything to kill Lucien. Hope that doesn't bite me in the ass with this. I sigh deeply then take out my phone as I rub the back of my neck, nearly clawing at it.

I had texted Grayson to meet me at a bar located near the edge of my city. The sun had just set, the bar remains closed until about 9 but I know the owner is there setting up right now. I walk in greeting the owner Lars. "Your Highness." He bows his head. "Can I get you anything?" He hesitantly looks up. I've been trying to get my people who have been here a while out of that habit. Lucien doesn't want his underlings looking him in the eye but I don't like it.

"Your discretion. Not a word of anything me or my... friend are about to say." I assert. Located on the outskirts without any dwellings within earshot, this is the most private place within my city aside from my palace but since the others are wandering about I can't really have this conversation there.

He stiffens. "Of course." He nods and his anxiety spikes visibly.

"You know what I'd do if I hear any word of this, right?" I ask taking slow and intentional steps towards the bar.

He blinks and swallows, "Yes, I do. I won't say a thing, I promise. I'll go upstairs and won't listen."

"That's perfect." I say. He's already shaking as he sprints to the back and up the stairs to his upstairs apartment.

Grayson enters not a minute later. "I've never actually walked through your city, you changed out the brick roads?"

"The brick was literally falling apart. The stones are new and much nicer." I comment sounding disinterested but some part of me likes that he noticed the changes. There was no reason for the city to look like it got stuck in the 1300's. I have more than enough money to make things newer, more updated so I did. It's also brought in more residents since people are actually wanting to live here. It's not like my city now has skyscrapers and is competing with Chicago or Manhattan, the tallest building here is the 7 story apartment building on the southwestern edge. The majority of my guards live there, Ryker was especially excited about his master bedroom balcony and wouldn't stop raving about the fact that he has a marble kitchen island. He said it was "rich people shit," and was thrilled to have one.

"You wanted to speak to me about something?" He quirks an eyebrow as he goes and sits down at the barstool next to me.

I stand up and start pacing as I begin. We recap our halfcocked plans to deal with Lucien and Kendrick and the Celestials. We both agreed that killing Kendrick right now would be harder given how paranoid he is and although we don't have the means to kill Lucien yet, his unchecked confidence in his own personal safety leaves him as the easier first target.

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