Chapter 49: Disappointing Times

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Kellan Hayes

There was only two hours until sundown and we can finally leave. Bash and Reid and have entertained themselves throughout the day making drinks, playing games, watching tv. The two of them and Sterling are actually decent so I don't know why they hang out with Morgan. I know they all find joy in killing and feeding on innocents but at the very least they're pleasant to speak to.

I can't wait for this all to be over. I'm over the traveling back and forth between ruling over my territory, pretending it's business as usual and coming here where it's anything but. My phone is constantly in my hand awaiting for updates on the various friends and contacts I have keeping an eye on certain players in this game. Updates on Lucien have been few and far between- keeping to his palace and remaining uncharacteristically quiet. Kendrick on the other hand has been busy.

"What's up?" Reid asks raising his brow at my facial expression. He leans over trying to look at my phone.

"Kendrick has been trying to have more kids. According to a contact one of the women he had chosen is officially pregnant." Another one of Kendrick's children roaming around. Hopefully this one will be raised without Kendrick's input so maybe it will be a functioning member of society. Maybe Chloe will look after it. Despite her problems with blood she's a good person. I've always liked her, she's probably one of the only family members of mine I enjoyed the company of.


"Even worse, my brothers were called to join Kendrick a few days ago. Apparently in the midst of trying to spy on Lucien and his children he's been amassing a small army." He called for me too but was met with silence. My brothers texted me about it to which they got more silence. I sent two of my five nobles to Morgan's, they're on their way now along with a bunch of guards. My new nobles thanks to Morgan killing my others. I trust and love them but I think there will always be a deep hole where my original five used to be. I'm still internally shaking my head that I'm voluntarily working with that woman but in order to live with myself I'm looking at it as I'm working with a team that she unfortunately happens to be apart of. I hate her so fucking much. I wish she was on Lucien or Azrael's side so that I'd have an excuse to kill her.

Bash shakes his head and says, "He's such a cunt." Before taking another sip of his margarita, Reid had made before.

Sterling struts into the living room and sits down on the edge of the couch with a fresh margarita in her hand. "There's no more." She says, jerking her chin towards the now empty blender.

"Fuck. We don't have any more tequila." Reid drags a hand down his face.

"Disappointing times." Bash says as he slumps back into the cushions of the couch. "I'm still thinking of Victoria tearing off the puppets head like that. Chloe said the jaw was still attached?" Sterling nods confirming it. "Damn."

"Victoria can be scary." Reid comments. "Her and Morgan tearing through people whenever this battle takes place will be a sight to see." I roll my eyes and Reid clocks it. "What is your issue with her?"

"They used to date." Bash answers, placing his now empty glass on the end table. "She probably broke his heart."

I glare at him. "No, she killed my nobles and my mother."

Bash's eyebrows raise instantly and he silently mouths 'oh.' "She killed Elara?" Sterling questions.

Briefly I inform them what happened. None of them were surprised. If anything they were more surprised I went along with Morgan's cover up and that I'm here helping her. "I'm not helping her." I snap. "I'm helping the vampire species. Lucien and Kendrick need to be off their thrones and Azrael needs to die. My presence here has nothing to do with her."

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