Chapter 23: Too Easy

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Morgan Sinclair

4 Years Ago

All the best lies have some truth sprinkled in. That's all I needed to do to convince Kellan of my harmlessness. His one noble Santo is the only one not buying my shit. He had told Kellan that I killed his cousin or something about a year ago so I apologized for it- made my eyes well with tears and everything. It was a struggle to bring them on honestly I was shocked my tear ducts still worked, I guess I just had to brush off the over a decades worth of dust on them. He accepted my apology since Kellan was staring at him but he didn't believe a word out of my mouth, I can see him eyeing me every time I'm in a room with him. The rest of his nobles and servants are definitely unnerved by my presence but won't say anything. Kellan does have control over his people. He said no one outside is to know about me being here and no one does, no whispers of anything- nothing.

Kellan and I walk down in the crypts of his palace. He loves to show off his palace, making sure to bring me to every room, every corner, every closet, everywhere. Although I'm not too sure the crypts should be included in any tour but he was eager to show me and thankfully he did. He lead me to one particularly dingy and dark room, after passing other parts of the crypts and getting a run down about who is buried there, what they did- a whole history lesson every 5 feet.

Every inhale, the air feels thick and dusty. It smells of death and mold and old rotted blood, as if no one is living just upstairs and the whole place has been abandoned for thousands of years. No windows, no light except for Kellan's torch. I'm beginning to feel like the walls are closing in around me but I focus my eyes on the torch. The one light, just look at it. I'm not completely comfortable in the dark, I'm fine if I'm moving and doing things but sitting or standing still, absolutely not. Right now, I'm too still.

He ignites the various wall torches around the room and I silently breath out in relief. Kellan takes out the chisel he brought with him as he heads over to the corner front panel of a grave. He starts using the chisel to wiggle the already lose panel and with too much ease it pops off. Lowering it onto the ground he nods his head for me to come over.

I cross the grimy neglected floor to where he stands in a cob web riddled corner. Looking into the panel- a near crumbling skeleton that has to be from thousands upon thousands of years ago. Next to it, wedged in between the body and the wall is a small box. He reaches in without a thought of the spider webs in the way and pulls out the box. He spends the next few seconds swiping his hand over it to get the dust and dirt off of it then proceeds to open it.

Right before my eyes is Queen Elara's dagger. The obsidian blade and it's grey leather wrapped hilt- just as Lucien described it. He takes the dagger out of its box to present it to me.

"All the hilts are different but if you see the faint white glow down the center." He moves the dagger trying to catch the light from the torch to showcase the white light that I already can see- Oh I have to put on my amazed face.

"Oh wow." I say with widened eyes and my lips parted for good measure.

"If you see that glow it's one of the Fallen's dagger. The hilts are the only defining characteristics to associate each dagger with their respective Fallen. You search for Lucien's dagger, find this light in the blade." He says showing me the faint light one last time then promptly places the dagger back into its place.

"Thank you so much for this."

He finishes putting the panel back onto the grave then turns to me flashing me a big smile. "Of course."

Walking back to our unfortunately shared room. I had my own for the first two weeks then we had sex like he couldn't hold himself back and all of a sudden he wants me to sleep in the same room as him. Clingy and possessive as all hell. I was just talking to a servant who happened to be male and he looked ready to rip off his head. I can't do anything around here. I can't feed on anyone- with 3 blood bags a day I'm fucking starving and not only that they're disgusting and cold. I can pretend to be so thrilled about having sex with Kellan but pretending to enjoy blood bags is a whole other level of difficult. At least Kellan likes being degraded so I have that to look forward to and you know what- I'll give it to him, he's a decent rough fuck.

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