Chapter 40: Bigger Things

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TW: Mention of suicide

Chloe Whitlock

I slept in Sterling and I's room knocking out as soon as I downed three blood bags like an animal. No matter how much I have the soreness persists, the only difference is the bit of energy I get. The next morning after four blood bags I walked into Morgan's room preparing for another day of pain on top of hunger pains on top of exhaustion but when I walk in I find Grayson in bed with her laying right next to her. She lays at his side as close to him as possible without touching him. Grayson opens his eyes meeting mine. "Hi." I whisper.

"Hi." He whispers back looking down at her, his mouth curves lightly as he combs her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear. As he moves he winces a little but he continues anyway. "How are you doing?" He asks looking back at me.

"I've been better. How are your... how are you?"

"I'm okay. A lot better." He forces himself to stand up and I step towards him to help if he needs but he holds up his hand, "I can do it." On his feet he walks slowly over to where I'm standing but keeps his eyes on her. She clenches her fist around the sheets, tightening it in her grasp.

I've been spending a lot of time with her lately, not really talking but I've observed her. I noticed she doesn't like the dark. I've slept in here a couple of times either on the floor or sprawled across the bottom of the bed should Lucien decide to activate her marks while she sleeps. During one of the first few days- early so the sun was still down I woke up and the overhead light was blinding so I went to turn it off and the second I did she woke from her sleep and demanded I turn the light back on. I complained that it's so bright but she didn't care. We have since compromised by leaving one of the lamps on. I've also noticed that when she sleeps her brow is permanently creased as her jaw clenches tightly throughout it. Occasionally her mouth downturns into a scowl or her hand will grip the sheets or the pillow like she's doing right now.

"She does that." Grayson says next to me.

I nod crossing my arms and just that simple action I felt the weakness of my arms. "She sleeps and it's like not a moment of it is peaceful for her." I comment staring as Morgan's face remains a picture of stress. "I have yet to see her face relaxed."

"Honestly Chloe," Grayson starts, "I think through her entire life the number of moments where she's felt completely at peace could probably be counted on one hand." I loosen a breath at that. "Are there bags in the fridge?"

Suddenly I'm reminded of the intense hunger that has never left me but lately has been so much worse. "Yeah."

He takes another glance at Morgan still gripping the sheets then walks out into in the kitchen. I follow him out spotting Kellan on the couch and as I step closer to the kitchen counter Pierce comes down the stairs waving to both of us. Grayson takes a blood bag out, "Can you give me one?" I ask and he quietly hands me one as he sits down at the counter.

"You're having another one?" Kellan questions from the couch, looking up from his phone. "That's what- five?"

I lower the bag from my mouth, "Mind your business."

Grayson raises a brow and mouths, "Five?"

I scoff, "Whatever that pain is makes my hunger a million times worse."

"Let her live." Pierce comments sitting down on the loveseat in the living room.

"Thank you." I say. "Has Victoria said anything?"

Pierce shakes his head, "She said they just landed. Apparently Bash and Reid told them that they're getting a lot of drugs for tonight so Ben will be beyond fucked up." He chuckles and through my tiredness I crack a smile.

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