Chapter 22: One Down...

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Morgan Sinclair

March 17th, 2026,

"It's a girl. I'm having a baby girl. Jason immediately ran out and bought a bunch of pink and purple baby items and kept smiling through the presentation of his haul that he said he blacked out during and just started grabbing things. He bought her a tiny plush football too. We decided on a name as well. Avery.

I had told him weeks ago that if we're having a girl I want to name her after you but I thought it'd be weird if I straight up named her Morgan so I landed on Avery and Jason loved it too. Avery Grace Montgomery."

My phone vibrating pulls me from reading any more of Lindsey's journals. I've gotten through the first two I'm on the third with one left. I quickly put it on the crowded bookshelf behind my desk in my office. "Yes, Ryker?" I answer the phone call from my head guard.

"Your father just came through the southern barrier he should be arriving at the location in a few minutes." He says. I had told him that I would meet him in Lars' bar because I didn't want to alert the others of his presence and give them a chance to run. I needed everything to seem business as usual.

"Okay, thank you." I hang up the phone and briskly make the ten minute walk to Lars' bar readying myself for this shit show on the way.

Grayson handled his part and I handled mine while Lucien had to take the several hour flight here. Scarlett got here almost exactly two hours after we hung up. We did what had to be done and I won't lie the look on her face as I did it felt like a blade sliding into my chest. I told her, "Take care of the body in a little while. Let him rot here for a bit." Then I raced back to my palace before I can get a look at the face she made after I said that.

Victoria once told me that when she told Lucien of Dane's betrayal he was beyond angry to the point where he was running on pure impulse for some time. I'm counting on that and then some. Given he showed up here by himself, it's already started.

I open the bars' door and as soon as I step in his hands are already wrapped around my throat and he slams me into the back wall next to the bar. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" He rages and I can hear Lars' small gasp upstairs.

"I was gathering intel." He finally lets go allowing me to catch my breath. "I wanted to know their plan, what they know, when and where. I had to gain their trust a little. Wasn't hard since Victoria and Grayson trust everything that comes out of my mouth."

"What do you have?"

My lips curve into a cruel grin. "Oh so much."

After spilling a few truths and some half truths I watched him become more and more unhinged with every word. Lucien and I quickly made our way to the palace. I kept my heartbeat calm despite feeling the exact opposite. 

Entering the foyer I hear the faint voices of Victoria and Chloe in the distance and Grayson and Kellan's voices relatively closer. I look to Lucien, "Which one?" Knowing exactly what he's going to pick.

He doesn't even have the ability to speak as the anger overwhelms his body. His eyes are glued in the direction of Victoria's voice, he just waves his hand dismissing the notion of going after Grayson and Kellan, and promptly the two of us sprint off in Victoria and Chloe's direction. We find the two of them sitting on the couch in one of my lounges on the east side of the palace talking with one another. The second they note our presence the colors drains from both of their faces. They both stand immediately in defensive positions but rather than looking at Lucien they stare at me. I keep my eyes on Chloe and give her a small smirk. "I guess this is where you tell her," I say as I lazily point to Victoria, "'I told you so'."

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