Chapter 41: Let Me Be Weak

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Grayson Spencer

I've been sitting with Pierce and Morgan in the living room for a while. Pierce is waiting for Victoria to go out to some bar nearby. Morgan had come into the living room and sat on the couch opposite me about a half hour ago and since then Pierce has had his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes dart back and forth between Morgan and I.

Morgan's head lolls hitting the back of the couch, her eyes barely open. "Morgan you good?" Pierce asks from the other side of the couch they're sharing.

She jerks her head up, sitting up straight at his voice and sharpens her stare at Pierce. "Dick." She comments and throws one of the throw pillows at him. He catches it and laughs.

"You want to come out with us?" He asks.

She shakes her head, "I'd rather not run the risk of writhing around in pain on the floor of a bar."

"Understandable. Plus you get to stay with Grayson."

"Dick." She rolls her eyes as he chuckles. "Where's your wife shouldn't you two be out already? It's like 3am the suns gonna be up in 3 hours."

"3 and a half hours," he corrects then points upstairs, "and she wanted to shower." He leans forward on his knees, tucking his fists under his chin and asks with a stupid smile on his face, "What are you two gonna do all alone?" Chloe and Sterling had left the fire pit area to go on a walk a little bit ago, and Kellan left for more blood bags now that Sterling and Victoria are back and Bash and Reid are supposed to be coming back soon as well.

Morgan's eyes slide over to him staring him down silently. "There's chess in the drawer under the tv." Pierce points to the console around the tv. "You guys can do that."

"I don't know how to play chess."

Pierce and I both snap our heads at Morgan with shocked looks on our faces. "You learned Russian casually but you don't know chess?" I ask.

She blinks at me. "What correlation do those two things have?"

Pierce responds, "One seems a lot harder to learn than the other." I nod in his direction agreeing.

"I was motivated to learn Russian."

"Why?" I ask.

As soon as I ask she flicks her daunting eyes to mine, "Как это, что ты абсолютный бэйн моего существования, но я не могу держаться от тебя подальше?" She says to me with a look in her eyes I can't decipher. Then she looks away at Pierce, "Для меня большая честь называть тебя своим братом."

"What'd you say?" I smile knowing it was more than likely a string of insults and Pierce nods wanting to know too.

She shrugs, leaning back on the couch. "You asked why I was motivated to learn. I get to say whatever I want and none of you know what I said."

"You're not gonna tell us?" She smirks and shakes her head no in response to Pierce's question.

"Is she shit talking the both of you in Russian?" Victoria calls out as she steps down the stairs.

Morgan looks over at her, "Since no one here knows Russian, you'll all never know."

"I know Spanish." Pierce raises his hand.

"Then you can tell me what Kellan says under his breath whenever I'm in his presence." Morgan states.

Pierce shakes his head, "You don't wanna know."

"Now I really do." Morgan replies.

"It's taking a lot out of me to not break his neck but if you or he," Pierce points to me, "or she," he points to Victoria as he stands up from the couch, "knew what he was saying the whole house would be covered in blood." He says walking over to Victoria, "Ready?" He asks her.

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